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Jul 21st 2018
No Deal Brexit means there are no treaties in place between UK and the World. Everything will grind to a halt on 30th March 2019. We do not get access to WTO automatically. Everything needs to be renegotiated with guaranteed lesser terms than we have now with EU. 1/
Planes, Eurostar and ports will grind to a halt. No trade agreements and no freedom of movement, so chaos at customs and immigration. No EURATOM so no nuclear energy or medicine plus more. Medicines scarce. Food shortages. £ plunged further. Price rises. 2/
EU citizens here & Brit citizens in Europe will become illegal citizens unless they have already been granted settled status that they have to pay for. Think of the backlog at the Home Office and the high number of errors made there. All EU here and Brits there lose some rights.
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