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Jun 26th 2018
@RichieVeitch Ta! Wish I didn't have to campaign re #CroydonCrash but @TfL @MayorofLondon REFUSE to respond to my request for investigation why @RAIB @ORR @BTP @SNCLavalin didn't receive @FirstGroupplc TOL Fatigue Audit. @Heidi_LDN?… @CarolinePidgeon @KeithPrinceAM
@RichieVeitch @TfL @MayorofLondon @raib @orr @BTP @SNCLavalin @FirstGroupplc @Heidi_LDN @CarolinePidgeon @KeithPrinceAM It's not like @SadiqKhan doesn't know about it...he was Chair of 23 May TfL Board Meeting when @MLiebreich ask for #CroydonCrash #CoverUp to be investigated so that "lessons can be learned" "won't happen again" @ValShawcross was at the same meeting too.
@RichieVeitch @TfL @MayorofLondon @raib @orr @BTP @SNCLavalin @FirstGroupplc @Heidi_LDN @CarolinePidgeon @KeithPrinceAM @SadiqKhan @MLiebreich @ValShawcross . @LeonDaniels inspired me to look into #CroydonCrash #CoverUp by announcing to SSHR Panel YEAR GO TODAY "An audit of First Group’s fatigue management processes had taken place, these were found to be satisfactory & did not give rise to any concerns."…
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