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Aug 31st 2018
(THREAD) Imagine walking into school - #FirstDaysofSchool. The most significant thing that anyone wants is to know that they belong, feel included, cared for, to feel significant, to know that they matter. As educators, families give us their greatest trust each day #MoralPurpose
From the moment students "step" onto school grounds, everything they see, hear, feel and experience gives them a message about whether they are valued, they matter, if this is a safe place to be in, grow, take risks, challenge, create, to LEARN. #3rdTeacher #GlobalCompetencies
We know that in order for Ss to learn, they must feel safe & included. Neuroscience helps us to understand that when ANY one feels unsafe, theyre not able to learn, engage in complex thinking. Solid #assessment is important & necessary, but without feeling safe, its not effective
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