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Aug 18th 2018
"#Macroprudential policies could be increased to enhance the resilience of the financial system"… in "Financial conditions and GDP growth-at-risk" Adrian, Liang, et al. @BrookingsInst @IMFNews
GaR: "growth at risk" and general equilibrium models with macrofinancial linkages… @BrookingsInst @IMFNews @MacroFinanceSoc Liang, Adrian, et al
"A structural model would be needed to evaluate how #macroprudential policies could be used to affect GaR. In aspiration, #macroprudential policies could aim to tighten financial conditions when conditional expected growth and GaR are relatively high ... "…
Read 13 tweets
Mar 24th 2018

THREAD: Cambridge Analytica appears to have used a Canadian company, AggregateIQ #AIQ, to cheat UK election laws to steal the #Brexit vote‼️ 1/…
Vote Leave was the *official* #Brexit campaign, run by Boris Johnson and Michael Gove.🤔

Right before the election, Vote Leave donated a total of £675,315 in 4 donations over 8 days to BeLeave, a political org set up by two 21-something yo’s who worked for Vote Leave.🤨 2/
Quick digression on UK campaign finance law before adding to the story.🤓

The SPENDING limit for Vote Leave (official campaign group) was £7m. Separate campaigns (such as BeLeave) could spend up to £700,000 each, but CANNOT coordinate or “work together”.🤨 3/
Read 17 tweets

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