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Jul 1st 2018
"But the investment programs have also proved popular with a Who’s Who of fugitives and fraudsters. Convicted felons Paul Bilzerian [Dan Bilzerian's dad] and Roger Ver gave up their U.S. citizenship and now use Saint Kitts passports."
"Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the illicit marketplace Silk Road, now appealing a life sentence handed down by a U.S. court, was attempting to obtain Dominica citizenship when he was arrested." #Corruption #CitizenshipForCash #EB5Visas
"JOHN KELLY, then Marine Corps general and current White House chief of staff, said the passport programs “COULD BE EXPLOITED BY CRIMINALS, TERRORISTS, or other nefarious actors.” #EB5Visas

Hmm, funny-he doesn't talk much about the program Trump uses to fill his properties now.
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