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Sep 2nd 2018

John McCain’s Funeral Was a Council of War

Just as He Meant It to Be

PapaD: Trump 'Nodded With Approval' At Suggestion Of Putin Meeting

Deripaska, oligarch w/ close ties to the Kremlin, has faced credible accusations of extortion, bribery & even murder.

‘This week he became a legend’: A solemn and glorious send-off for John McCain

A Complex Web: The F.B.I., Russian Oligarchs, Bruce Ohr and the Trump Campaign

📌Was Ohr successful or not in turning Deripraska into an informant?

Mueller Makes Major Connection, Tying Secret Ukrainian Money to Trump Inauguration

"What better way to honor John McCain's life follow his example?"

"By recognizing that there are some things bigger than party, or ambition, or power, or money"
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