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Jun 18th 2018
Nielsen just now: “These minors are very well taken care of. Dont believe the press. We operate according to some of the highhest standards in the country. We provide food, medical, education and all needs that the child requests.”

Lets look at that. 1)…
Agents LIE to the families, including the children. They are told that kids are taken away BRIEFLY, for questioning or to be given baths (which sounds ominously like a Nazi Shower in Auschwitz).

Moms are told that they will not see their kids again. Are kids told the same? 2)
Parents are given flyers with phone numbers to call to locate their children after they were placed with ORR.

Only, the phone numbers on the flyers are to an ICE tipline!!!

If a parent somehow reaches ORR, the ORR cant call them back, cuz there are no phones in these camps. 3)
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