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Feb 8th 2018
On the subject of representation and inclusion, it is misguided and downright factually incorrect to suggest that black women do not support other marginalized groups. Black women have used their influence and power to hire and cast a diverse range of people in their work.
Think of Shonda Rhimes. She rules Thurdays nights with her trifecta of hit series (Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, How to Get Away With Murder). In addition to casting white and black actors, all three feature NBPOC in lead roles AND all three have featured queer characters.
Over on the CW, we're seeing Mara Brock Akil (and her husband Salim Akil) are killing it with #BlackLightning. The series not only features the FIRST black lesbian superhero, but it also features a groundbreaking interracial queer romance between Anissa and Grace Choi.
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