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Jul 4th 2018
#Patriots #FIGHT WE NEED HELP IN Southern California!!!!!! These #Colleges are indoctrinating OUR children!!! (video to come) PLEASE RETWEET!!! @WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump @PressSec @SecPompeo @FoxNews @Liz_Wheeler @therealroseanne @LizCrokin @Justin_Formed
My husband is an #ARMY #DISABLED #GulfWar #COMBAT #VETERAN using #VocRab #Ch31 to go BACK to school for something, he's LITERALLY been doing at the #VAHospital in #LomaLinda for 26yrs to get a piece of paper so he can continue his job.
The first picture... is a video of a "trans... whateverrr" in an ENGLISH 1A CLASS IN NORCO... LITERALLY drinking booze, clearly has dsyphoria and has a satanic symbol behind IT. WTF IS GOING ON!?!?!
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