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Jul 3rd 2018

Rick Wilson: “If this other thing I'm hearing about Cohen and RUS folks is true, Trump is going to shoot blood from his...wherever...very soon now”🍿🍿🍿

Mueller team likely gained access to NRA tax filings-oh goodie!🤗

Cohen “I put family and country first.”🐬

Mexico elected Andrés Manuel López Obrador-Putin pick.😱

Trump’s plan to ban spouses of high-skill visa holders from working will likely push 100k ppl out of jobs

House DEMs want to ask CA alum Oczkowski about how his new company, Data Propria, uses consumer data

Chuck Schumer: Our Rights Hang in the Balance

“My wife, my daughter and my son have my first loyalty and always will,” Cohen says “I put family and country first.”

Kilimnik was far more involved in drafting pro-RU political strategy w/ Manafort than known b/4..
Read 69 tweets
Jun 27th 2018
🌿Hang in There🌿

Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe & deliver indictments by Fall 2018.

Oh goodie! I am hoping for sooner surprises!🤗

Mueller needs to have a little chat (without coffee) with #TraitorNunes. HouseGOP are trying to extort Rosenstein for more doc.
🌿Hang in There2🌿

Federal court rules against Va. House in racial gerrymandering case, orders new districting plan by Oct. 30th.

US is backing away from Syria de-escalation enforcement = destabilization

SCOTUS upholds Trump ban on travel from several mostly Muslim countries
🌿Hang in There3🌿


The whole clusterfuq: RU hacking, CA, Trump & Leave Campaigns was not only a coup, but an unprecedented shorting of the market through mass manipulation of the electorate, w/the aim of controlling not only geopolitics, but the financial markets too.
Read 58 tweets

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