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Apr 20th 2018
‘None of this means that either the Prague or prostitutes allegation is true. But why can’t Cohen and Trump get their respective stories straight?’…
‘Cohen’s abandonment of this action means that the legal teams for Fusion GPS and BuzzFeed will no longer have the opportunity in the discovery phase to demand information from Cohen regarding his whereabouts and contacts during the 2016 campaign’, writes @DavidCornDC.
Michael Cohen Has Said He Would Take a Bullet for Trump. Maybe Not Anymore.
Read 97 tweets
Apr 12th 2018
Trump Lawyer Cohen Finds Finances Taken Apart by Prosecutors.…
Cohen’s in-laws from Ukraine, purchased 3 Trump apartments from 2003-2005, for nearly $8 million. His personal wealth has taken a drop in recent years, due to millions in taxi medallions, which have lost value. The medallions have been refinanced, and loan due to bank in 2019.
Read 109 tweets

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