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May 9th 2018
#BreakingNews #Exclusive
Iraq's International Federal Police confiscates 31 boxes containing hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash en route from #Iran to #Iraq in support of Hadi al-Ameri, head of the Tehran proxy Badr Organization.
#Iraq activists say this is outside the country's parliament only days before the May 12th general election

People chanting:
"#Iran, out, out" & something against IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Suleimani

(Can anyone provide more info? Thanks in advance)
#Iraq general election posters (scheduled for Saturday) put up in Isfahan, #Iran.

Millions are living in poverty across Iran, and yet the regime spends money on such ridiculous causes for another country.

Shows how Tehran's influence in Iraq is considered vital for the mullahs.
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