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1. So #GroupB of the #WorldCup with #Spain, #Portugal, #Morocco and #Iran is the best group ever and we already know what will happen. You just need to look back to the turn of the 16th century and events that linked all of these countries (and Russia). History will repeat.
2. In 1578, at the Battle of Ksar El Kebir in Morocco, the young king of Portugal Sebastian I, who had allied with deposed Sultan Abu Abdallah Mohammed against usurper Abd Al-Malik I, died. The next in line, Cardinal Henry, also promptly died. A succession crisis followed.
3. The end of the House of Aviz led to the Iberian Union in 1580, when Philip II of Spain marched into Portugal and defeated the troops loyal to the Prior of Crato, another claimant to the throne, in the Battle of Alcântara. Spain and Portugal were united. (Portrait by Titian)
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Look at the symbology of the books #HarveyWeinstein was carrying. Shades of #QAnon cryptography. Why the Kazan reference? What did Kazan do? He was an informant during the HUAC days.
Arrest protocol. Never smile, never smirk. Look as though they have just arrested an innocent man. Bad optics even worse body language here. Or does this give more important people very serious reason to be petrified? #QAnon symbology here.
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