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Jun 21st 2018
Why is it that #Israel, #US & #UK Govts don’t find the massacre of defenseless civilians, concentrated in a densely populated strip of land,by a hi-tech air force simply unacceptable?
#Gaza Strip (139 sq. mi) Population 1.8 Million
#LasVegas City (135.8 sq. mi) Population 623,747
Hamas rockets have killed 31 ppl since they started launching rockets in 2001.#Israel had already been bombing BEFORE ANY #Rocket was EVER fired into Israel:
From Sep to Dec 2000
*The Largest Single Cause of these Children's Deaths was Gunfire to the Head…
Data from #BTselem – The Israeli Information Center for #HumanRights in the Occupied #Palestinian Territories works to end #Israel’s #occupation.
Fatalities since Israeli Operation Cast Lead
Data by the date of event,
19 January 2009 - 31 March 2018… #BDS
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