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Aug 26th 2018
@C_3C_3 @TheLastRefuge2 1) I work at a small aerospace manufacturing company specializing in rapid turn prototype tooling.

We need people!

As a college alternative, expose your children to mfg whether it be electronics, welding, or CNC programming.

All are great paying jobs at $30 - $40 per hour.
@C_3C_3 @TheLastRefuge2 2) These jobs are all obtainable in a fraction of the time one spends earning a degree - often not worth the paper it's printed on.

This is a CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine). I've been programming and running one since I left Nuclear subs and now make 6 figures - no degree!
@C_3C_3 @TheLastRefuge2 3) The probe (lower right) rotates from 0 to 105 deg and articulates 360 deg around.

It's fully programmable from a solid 3D model. 6 probe touches by me then the machine takes over.

It's accuracy is about. 00006 linearly and .0009 though out it's volume.

Show your kids!
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