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Jun 22nd 2018
1/ THREAD: A brief #LGBTHistory for this #Pride. Really FEEL THIS. Prior to the 1970s, being LGBT was ILLEGAL & homosexuality was considered a mental illness. Police would conduct a raid, arrest you, cuff you, humiliate you, then publish your name, address & photo in the paper.
2/ After your name, address & mugshot appeared in your local paper, you’d then be fired from your job. There were no legal protections--which is still true in 28 of 50 states today, but back then it was a near certainty.
3/ And then at Compton’s, at Stonewall, our LGBT forebears fought back. They said “No more" to these police raids on their communities. Along with Vietnam objectors, civil rights activists and feminists, they protested. They were targets. It was dangerous.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 6th 2017
A new study had been released documenting the experiences of 9500 gay people and allies during the postal survey. It’s pretty much what you would expect: the survey was a disaster for gay people #auspol #marriageequality
To begin with, 90% of respondents believed the debate would have a negative impact on them. 80% LGBTQ+ people and 60% allies then found the debate ‘incredibly or extremely stressful’
This strain had real consequences: reports of LGBTQ+ people experiencing depression, anxiety and stress increased increased by more than 30% during the postal survey
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