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Most recents (2)

May 21st 2018
A Thread⤵️Breaking Down A Hit Piece on Our Revolution
Well, no mincing words, Dovere gets right into it. Problem is, not amplifying its candidates seems a HUGE projection. The DCCC and DNC has been horrible to their candidates. For example what they did to Laura Moser was horrible.
Where are these Sanders supporters? Once again this seems like a huge projection. And what Sanders has done to organize the left is more than anyone has in a long time.
Read 24 tweets
Apr 14th 2018
Alright, fam. I've never done this format but wth.

1 RT = Random meme on my phone

1 like = ...1 like. I don't have time for more 😂

Let's kick it off with this that @LumpyLouish just made me tonight for #NeolibAMovie!

#FieldOfDaounuts 😂😂😂

I'm ded.

1 RT

This never fails to crack me up 😂

*Reportedly* taken at #DNCConvention16 where the #TrollKing was chased down the hall!

I have a special loathing for @davidbrockdc. He deserves all the mocking we can throw at him.

Support for monopolies & worker exploiters by "The Resistance" has been grotesque.

Mock them into oblivion.
Read 40 tweets

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