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May 3rd 2018

UK orders Cayman & BVI to divulge Shell Co ownership info.πŸ€—

US Treas gives Deripraska’s Rusal relief from sanctions.😱

Goldman Sachs lurves BitCoin?😱

CA closes US offices, but will EmerData rise & begin Ops?😱

Why did NYTs falsely attribute list of ?? to SCO? πŸ€”
Britain agreed on Tuesday to order its overseas territories such as the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands to make secretive company ownership information public by the end of 2020 to try to tackle corruption and tax avoidance.

U.S. Treasury amends sanctions on Russia, paving the way for aluminum giant Rusal to be removed from the blacklist

Read 36 tweets
Sep 6th 2017

Something I've learned and can't explicitly report on, in Trump Russia, but which I'm totally certain of now;
America is so powerful in matters of cyber anything and SIGINT anything that if @PutinRF understood it, he'd never have tried this.
It's not just America's overwhelming military might, and national prosperity. It is also their total dominance in all forms of communication
Read 14 tweets

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