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#MelissaHodgman was born on February 12, 1968 (Age 49) - her law degree is from Georgetown University Law Center in 1994, and bachelor of science degree from Georgetown U School of Foreign Service in 1990

#HunterBiden was born on February 4, 1970 (age 48) - Also a Georgetown ..
[2] Did they overlap ? Hunter Biden also went to Georgetown for his BA , but got his law degree from Yale.

Why are we looking at this right now?

It started with noticing that #MelissaHodgman seemed to have a FOCUS on issues related to China at the SEC…
[3] And we know that #HunterBiden and a Kerry kid have lots of shady equity business in China -

And if there were ANY problems discovered, it would have been #MelissaHodgman (wife of #PeterStrzok ) who would have run those investigations.…
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