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Sep 23rd 2018
1/ Let us know when you realize that #TheStorm and is about to take place here on #America soil & the political landscape will be forever changed by @realDonaldTrump

#TheStormIsHere #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp

2/ Let us know when you realize that the #USMilitary asked @realDonaldTrump to run for #President in 2014 to protect your country & your #Freedoms.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp…
3/ Let us know when you realize that #DonaldTrump is playing #4DChess to eradicate the #DeepState & their co-conspirators. #TheStorm, #QAnon & #TheGreatAwakening will become known as the greatest military op of all time.

#Trump #DrainTheSwamp - #MAGA

Read 21 tweets
Aug 11th 2018
Q! 🔥 8/11 thread #QAnon #FakeNews

FAKE NEWS consolidation [propaganda arm of the D party].
Define Antitrust Law(s).…
The Sherman Act outlaws "every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade," and any "monopolization, attempted […⬇️]
Q! 8/11 #QAnon #FakeNews

attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize."…
"The FTC's competition mission is to enforce the rules of the competitive marketplace — the antitrust laws. These laws promote vigorous competition[…⬇️]
Q! 🔥 8/11 #QAnon

These people are stupid!
"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."
Do you believe in coincidences?
We have the source.
Read 22 tweets
Jul 23rd 2018
Say Goodbye to Hollywood. Young and free, you head west to be a big star. What's the first thing you do when you get there? You change your name. You erase your history. You pick something that sounds good. You listen to the fantasy roll out of the tongue and decide, "that's me!"
This is #disassociation. The identity detaches from the person and forms a white bubble of light. They call this their center. The outside world does not know the secret. #Hollywood only wants their illusion. It is a death march into the sunshine. This is a sacrificial ritual.
The #satanic ritual requires a circle (white bubble) and it requires a sacrifice (the self). The quality of the sacrifice gives them more power. See Harvey Weinstein ritual. See the golden trophy ritual. Without molestation, there could be no #Hollywood. The magic would not work.
Read 38 tweets
Mar 15th 2018
🚨They do the same thing with #ChildTrafficking in 🗣…👈
Read 18 tweets
Feb 24th 2018
Every School Shooting & their Casualties (THREAD):

US School Shooting #1}

The earliest known US school shooting - July 26, 1764
Present-Day Greencastle, PA

4 shooters entered a schoolhouse where they shot & killed the schoolmaster & killed 10 children. Only 2 kids survived.
US School Shootings #2)

Nov. 2, 1853 Louisville, KY
A student, Matthew Ward, bought a self-cocking pistol in the morning, went to school and killed Schoolmaster Mr. Butler in front of his classmates for excessively punishing his brother the day before.
USA School Shootings #3)

March 9, 1873 Salisbury, MD
After school, a teacher was walking with four small children. She was approached by a Mr. Hall and shot. The Schoolmaster ran out, but she was dead instantly. Hall threw himself in front of a train.
Read 239 tweets

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