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Apr 24th 2018
New Q 04/24 10:27 Iran is next, This will be a marker re_read past Q drops! @POTUS today, “Mark it down, bigger problems than ever before”! This was a signal to Iran! The CLAS refers to more than the cash pymts. of $250B!! #IronEagle Q says sweet dreams! #QAnon #AprilShowers
New Q 10:30 Anon asks if Macron is our friend/ally! Q says the sole purpose for his visit to the WH is to convince @realDonaldTrump on behalf of EU to stay in the Iran deal!! Q says you decide!! I say, he’s not our friend!! #QAnon #AprilShowers
New Q 10:37 (11) Q asks what’s at risk $250B x 2 years? What taxpayers don’t know is why the awesome developments in NK aren’t receiving Worldwide praise! We know this isn’t a good thing for the bad actors!! Q says we endure despite this!! #QAnon #AprilShowers @realDonaldTrump
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