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@emptywheel @maggieNYT “They do so even while describing a lawyer who represents three high-placed witnesses in the case (along w/#McGahn, #WilliamBurck represents #ReincePriebus and #SteveBannon) opining that the President’s legal exposure makes cooperation “insane.”…
@emptywheel @maggieNYT “Along the way, the story engages in other kinds of spin, all of which happens to make #DonMcGahn look far better than he should...” 👀See #Koch #FollowTheMoney #JonesDay 👉
@emptywheel @maggieNYT 🔥“#StephenBrogan, Managing Partner, #JonesDay
W/at least 13 of its lawyers positioned strategically throughout Trump administration, including #DonMcGahn, the firm has not been coy about its ties to Trump & exercises immense, unprecedented power in” D.C.…
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