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Sep 6th 2018
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 9/6/18 15:35 Q replies to Anon post re. McCabe Grand Jury invest. & says, “Read between the lines.
[March 22]…
“We are individually reviewing the remaining documents to ensure that they do not include grand jury information, Cont. #QAnon
2. information about ongoing law enforcement actions involving American citizens, or privileged attorney-client communications,” Prior said.
Per today:
"Federal prosecutors have for months been using a grand jury…"
You didn't think nothing was HAPPENING did you? Q #QAnon @POTUS
!!NEW Q!! 15:46 Q replies to an Anon post of President Trump’s tweet from Nov. 2017 with the file name DOITQ and says 1/Billion Coincidence?
Enjoy the show tonight!!
Q #QAnon #DoItQ #EnjoyTheShow #NoCoincidences @realDonaldTrump
Read 49 tweets

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