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Jan 28th 2018
Close to 3 MILLION PEOPLE last weekend
& it barely made a blip on the news.
SO, let's grassroots this out there - All States below.
RT THREAD 1/50ish
To Every One of you who went - Thank You!
Your Resolve is our Hope.
You are the Light at the end of the Tunnel.
The largest of the Womens' Marches this year was in Los Angeles. (600,000+)
Here are the performances and speeches compacted into a 30-minute video.

#WomensMarch2018 #WomensMarchLA
And a GoogleDoc counting EVERYONE EVERYWHERE:…
#WomensMarch2018 ALABAMA
3000+ Marched!
Birmingham 2700 Dothan Huntsville 120 Mentone 60+ Mobile 350+ Montgomery 2000
The biggest movement the USA has ever seen. If the national media won't cover it, let's grassroots it!
FB page here:
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