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Oct 3rd 2018
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 10/3/18 01:50 EST Ford herself coached by the C_A?
FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)? #QAnon #RedOctober #PanicInDC @realDonaldTrump
2. C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrounds, geopolitical location relative to families of power/influence, ability to harvest [control], etc.? #QAnon #RedOctober #PanicInDC @realDonaldTrump
3. Fantasy or Reality? Normal-to- [self-induced] in stages to exhibit past trauma-level events w/ 'friendly' therapy sessions notated as undefined? #QAnon #RedOctober #PanicInDC @realDonaldTrump
Read 48 tweets
Aug 31st 2018
!!NEW Q Drop!! 8/31/18 9:56…
Q asks what the odds are of the NSA Data Center being located in Utah!! Remember, Huber is in Utah too!! #QAnon #NSADataCenter #WeHaveItAll #ItsHappening #GreatAwakeningWorldwide @realDonaldTrump
Read 73 tweets
May 20th 2018
!!NEW Q!! 05/20/18 12:40 Conspiracy No More Edition! Q posts 3 pics from UK/NSA traffic cams & 1 Q posted 2/18 w/[UK] Stay Alert! Q says note time/vehicles on road & compare to 2/18! There appear to be 6 people crossing the road! Q says [6] surv [value targets] UK:US US:UK #QAnon
Anon comments in pics from UK!! #QAnon @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 12:46 Q posts @realDonaldTrump tweet demanding the DOJ look into the surveillance on his campaign & says follow the PEN and think timing! It’s not a coincidence the EO will be coming soon! The attacks will only get worse as they are losing [all] control! #QAnon @POTUS
Read 24 tweets
May 7th 2018
Patriots Fight!! On May 4th, President Trump tweeted this before he left for Dallas, TX to speak at the 2018 NRA Convention!! #QAnon #PatriotsFight #GreatStateOfTexas @realDonaldTrump
The speech had a central theme, Patriots Fight for their rights! He said, “These are real Patriots, they really are!” Speech here: #NRA #GreatStateOfTexas #QAnon @realDonaldTrump
Also on May 4th Q updated his trip code & moved to a new board which QTeam named #PatriotsFight Coincidence? This move also signified moving to a new phase in the fight in this epic battle!! #QAnon #PatriotsFight #WWG1WGA #FightEvil #FightForFreedom @realDonaldTrump
Read 8 tweets
May 4th 2018
🎶For those about to rock...(FIRE!)... We salute Q! 💥🙏🏼🇺🇸🎶

#BOOM #QAnon #Phase3 #JUSTICE #FREEDOM #WeThePeople #ForGodAndCountry
Gotta add these babies here!
Well, I guess #QAnon took that ol' song literally... they've been firing away! As in pretty much everybody! Bye bye, evil swampers!
Read 3 tweets
Apr 21st 2018
New Q Friday 💥
Apr 20 2018 22:37:22 (EST) Anonymous ID: 3d9fc3 1124637 NEW

Is @Snowden talking about us?

Apr 20 2018 22:48:30 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 35d50c 1124872 NEW
The world is watching.
#WeHAVEEVERYTHING #QAnon #MAGA #Qanon8chan #QanonPosts
Remember this?? Q Related Friday!💥🐸🐰

#Q #WeHAVEEVERYTHING #QAnon #MAGA #Qanon8chan #QanonPosts #GreatAwakening #TrustThePlan
Read 99 tweets
Mar 23rd 2018
(1)In light of today's happenings one can look at the surface or look deeper at what took place... IMHO

#QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStorm #MAGA @POTUS #TRUMP #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #wakeupAmerica
(2)What we can say now without a doubt is the SWAMP is MUCH deeper than many realize. Trump was set up to fail with the #OmnibusBill. Either he owns a shutdown and gets absolutely NOTHING or signs a bill he's 75% against & gets something valuable...
(3)which is added safety/protection & support from our beloved military and other things that haven't come to light! They SET HIM UP in their eyes, either way he loses bc they believe if he signs it, his base will either turn on him because...
Read 10 tweets

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