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Aug 3rd 2018
This entire story deserves to be threaded & tagged. In posting, my focus is not to dwell on the past but look at #Today with critical #EyesOpen. It’s a reminder to #Vote and act for the #betterfuture of our country.

Here it is:…
1/ Former Republican @MaxBoot spent eight years trying to stop Obama as an aide to both @SenJohnMcCain McCain and @MittRomney and as a longtime conservative columnist.

Boot, who is now a columnist for the @washingtonpost was never a Trump fan
2/ but he did write a column the day after the election in which he argued that a @realDonaldTrump presidency “might not be so bad” and encouraged optimism.

Now, in a new piece for the Post, Boot is prepared to say that, actually, it is that bad.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 22nd 2018
Hi everyone thank you for all your support and empathy in the past few days.
To minimize further injuries, the original voicemail with the intended subject's name has been removed, but I am reposting here with name obscured:… (thanks for tech help!)
I am also reposting my entire Twitter message regarding this incident, with other important ideas I forgot to include:
four days ago my work phone got a rambling but confrontational 3.5 min voicemail from someone questioning my legitimacy to teach based on my presumed #citizenship and #ethnic identity. You can hear the actual message here:…
Read 15 tweets

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