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ew david

Jun 2, 2018, 6 tweets

CALIFORNIA: Primaries are Tuesday, June 5. And if you’re in #CA39, #CA48, or #CA49, it's possible no Democrats at all will advance to the general. Let’s talk. (1/6)

To take back the House, we need to flip 23 GOP seats. Eight of the most flippable — districts that voted for Hillary — are right here in California. (2/6)

Here’s the issue: CA has a “top two” primary system, which means the top two vote getters — regardless of party — advance to the general election. (3/6)

In #CA39, #CA48, and #CA49, there are so many Dems running that we’re in very real danger of splitting the vote. That would let only GOP candidates appear on the November ballot. (4/6)

Enthusiasm is great, but it’s time to get serious. Here are the #CA39, #CA48, and #CA49 candidates most likely to win, and some details about them: (5/6)

If we blow this, it's our fault. This is a real “break glass” moment. GET ON IT, #CA39, #CA48, and #CA49. (6/6)

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