Dr EM Profile picture
Feminist, Disabled, Dr. Platformed: @ObjectUK, @UGMediaLtd, @FiLiA_charity, @Transgendertrd, Morning Star, @TweetStreetocc1, @thecriticmag, @WingsScotland

Jun 3, 2018, 49 tweets

In honour of pride month I want to ask ‘What has happened to Pride?’
Original Pride vs. Queer Theory Pride, a thread.

Pride used to be about celebrating love in all its forms and promoting unity in diversity. Not anymore.

As it is colonised by trans. and followers of queer theory from the evidence it appears to have become a time to take Pride in violence against women and hatred of sexual orientations. If biological sex isn’t real how can one be same-sex attracted?

Some women now feel unsafe at pride and are being threatened...

Originally, party decorations for Pride would include flags, glitter, rainbow coloured feathers. Under its new progressive guise party decorations include hanging women by their necks.

For all the shouting about inclusion they are determined to make pride exclude women who believe that some women just don’t like penis (lesbians are real).

Some more:

Some more comparisons:

How have we arrived at the stage where one celbrates pride by beating up a lesbian?

Same-sex attraction poses a problem for those who say gender – the clothes one wears, how one styles one’s hair, one’s mannerisms and name, how society views you (stereotypes) – is almighty, innate and in fact overrides biological sex.

It’s just twitler youth right? No. This ‘biological sex is a social-construct’ or sometimes worded ‘biological sex is assigned’ is in schools in England now, it is being taught.

Allsorts are teaching that gender (sex stereotypes) is innate and all powerful while sex is assigned at birth (a social construct). Please pay attention to assigned (coercive, active decision) versus observed (nature, fact).

If gender wasn’t about, for example, how one wears one’s hair why does Allsorts, who advise schools in England with government backing, present the example of a girl whose gender dysphoria was alleviated with a haircut?

Dr. EM your making this up I hear you mumble…. nope, it’s from the ‘Journey without a Map’ booklet, here is the link: allsortsyouth.org.uk/resources/tool…

This guide which is currently in East Sussex Schools, supported by the local government, is available on the Mermaids Website. Here you go: mermaidsuk.org.uk/assets/media/E…

It differentiates between transgender and transsexual and suggests trans is actually what one wears and how one presents oneself. Thus, a transwoman would likely have male genitals so it is being taught in schools that sometimes a penis is part of being a lesbian.

This ideology is how we have arrived at the situation that lesbians are bigots and Terfs for not wishing to suck penis, sorry ‘girld**k’, and there is open discussion of raping lesbians

‘Gosh, that’s just online nutters’ I hear you shout. Sadly no, here is a seminar run by Planned Parenthood on breaking down women’s sexual boundaries

A lesbian who does not consider sexual relations with a penis is described as a Terf and as such violence against her is justified. Similarly, any woman who defends another woman’s right not to be penetrated by a penis is, you got it, a TERF.

I used to consider this corrective rape but I am now informed that it is now progressive.

Here is a Queer ‘feminist’ arguing that ‘The Cotton Ceiling Is Real and It’s Time for All Queer and Trans People to Fight Back’ (translation: Lesbians refusing sex with penis is a civil rights horror). queerfeminism.com/2012/03/27/the…

Update: Buck has arrived to inform us that in the face of evidence we are all wrong... using my own point. Buck is not strong on comprehension, nor argument, sorry Buck, back to class for you. Enjoy:

For those who think that the 'lesbians are bigots for refusing penis' notion isn't widespread, the secret radical has collected some links and screen grabs. Here: secretlyradical.blogspot.com/2015/03/the-co…

In an era of renewed violence here are some incredibly courageous lesbians at Auckland Pride

Well young man, that is an opinion not an argument.

Yay, Wayne has arrived to tell this Dr in history to watch the History Channel... oh no, Wayne has realised what we historians do for 6 - 7 years inorder to gain our PhDs, shh Wayne, don't tell everyone!

To be fair, Pride history is not my field of expertise so I did fact check with others and got great advice and personal/oral histories. Nevertheless, I didn't fact check with Wayne, the great history oracle, my bad.

The exceedingly brave and totally fabulous @Gnarly_Charl at Auckland Pride:

@Gnarly_Charl Oh No! Elsie thinks I'm stupid, the horror, I shall now ignore decades of feminist theory, science, evidence.... in favour of opinion? Nevertheless, thank you for your input Elsie.

Victor has worked it out... it is all feminism's fault, Thanks Victor!

I'm getting this argument a lot. First of all it is wrong. Second, I wish to draw your attention to the fact that when facist regimes build their power they change history to suit their argument. I reccomend my pinned thread on totalitarianism. Changing history is sinister

The term Terf dehumanises the victim, where have we seen this before? Dehumanising a whole group of people to justify violence against them is an incredibly dangerous idea.

Sebastian is of the opinion that questioning violence against women is just whining. That women's refusal to submit to men's dictates and deny reality justifies violence. Women who disagree with men should suffer at their hands.

Izzy doesn't understand why one would like to protect women from violence. Terf normally refers to a lesbian who will not sexually engage with a penis, Izzy doesn't think lesbians should be part of Pride.

As a result of the anti-feminist backlash, commonly known as liberal feminism, which was implemented with the neo-liberal ideological ascendancy under Ragan and Thatcher, young women like Izzy are accepting the abuse @boodleoops recieves as feminst and progressive.

Here violence against women is listed as a natural part of this supposedly proggressive movement and Pride. 'No, its just a few nutters dr. Em, every cause has bad apples', I hear you proclaim... sadly not, 3,528 'likes' and growing

Similar to Victor, Rincefire posits that it is all feminism's fault, we created the spaces and platforms for this. Complain about violence and threats of violence against women, female sexual autonomy and some men find a way to blame feminism. The likes: gay man & dad & husband.

Now for an example of hyberbole, or transbole as it is sometimes known. The 'feminists are men-haters' trope of ages past is back. Also, this thread is poorly researched and hunting down trans people. The poster doesn't like Terfs, check out the sexualised insult

They never provide references or evidence. Not for their claims surrounding either science or history

Accounts of the Stonewall riot of June 28 1969 agree that the gay drag queen Marsha P. Johnson was a leader in the riots and subsequent movement. In the 1970s Johnson founded STAR with Sylvia Rivera, they wanted to remove gender-roles, not re-inforce them as innate.

STAR would fight for transexual and transvestite rights - this is different to a recent notion of transgender and doesn't deny the reality of biological sex. It didn't declare a dress made a woman but wanted to allow people to wear what they liked, love who they loved.

Anoher significant leader of the Stonewall riots was the lesbian Stormé DeLarverie, notice how TRAs write her out of history. Indeed, write many of the lesbians who protested sexual harrassment by police out of the history.

The original movement declared itself an 'Army of Lovers', contrast that with the baseball bats and threats of rape and violence towards women of the modern transgender movement.

In the begining transsexuals and transvestites supported gay rights and same sex orientation, transgenderism does not. Here I present Brutus who is not unique. He hates TERFs, believes Lesbians like penis & wants to throw up when people are gay.

Here is Samara, brought to my attention by a @CriticalSisters tweet. Samara argues that some lesbians like penis, in fact lesbians should be thankful for penis.

Jeff Bezos 'literally knows a lesbian with a penis'.

Many examples have been given in this thread of how the term TERF denotes a woman who will not submit, disagrees and maintains sexual boundaries. This proclamation needs to be read in that context. Also notice how the language of feminism has been misappropriated...

Incredibly brave lesbians at #LondonPride2018 asserting women's right to sexual boundaries and the idea that female-homosexuals don't want to have intimate relationships with penis.

Alongside the cheers & support the responses have varied from women saying who they will and will not have sex with is awful, they should hang and/or be prosecuted for a hate crime (& @VeniVidiVicki perfect rebuke). Yup, female sexual boundaries akin to a hate crime in 2018 U.K.

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