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Jun 4, 2018, 7 tweets

1/2... AZ Anons are on the scene in Tucson. AZ Anons will not ease up. Pray for the #AZAnons .

#BackYardBrawl #humantraffickers #humantrafficking

Update from around midnight Sunday night local time.

Tucson Police come in with some "watchers" alongside them.


RANIER connection and earlier Q posts predicting these discoveries.

#BackYardBrawl #QAnon

Drainage system that could double as navigable trafficking tunnels.

#BackYardBrawl #QAnon #humantraffickers #HumanTrafficking

"Operation Backyard Brawl"

"... drainage tunnels that end near where that camp was found lead back to the Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino in Tucson."

#BackYardBrawl #humantraffickers #HumanTrafficking #QAnon…

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