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Jun 14, 2018, 57 tweets

1) This is my #Qanon thread for June 14. (Happy birthday, POTUS)

Q posts can be found here:

My theme: Release the Full IG Report Unredacted


3) Since the report deals with the Clinton email investigation in advance of the 2016 election, Jeff Sessions is recused from this matter.

DOJ management of the report is being done by #RodRosenstein.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

4) #RodRosenstein appeared at a gang of 8 meeting on the Hill this afternoon to discuss the report but took no questions from the public.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

5) FBI Director Chris Wray responded to the report at a press conference this afternoon.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

6) Last night, #Qanon told us there are 3 versions of the report as well as summary notes and attachments, some of which are classified.

We're viewing the modified and redacted version that Rod Rosenstein approved for public release.

7) Page 6 if the report lists some of the classified material not included in the current version.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

8) The report acknowledges that President Obama and more than a dozen others used private email accounts for government correspondence with Hillary Clinton. (An obvious attempt to avoid collection by the NSA, which is something #Qanon told us about.)


9) Hillary's response.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

10) The report says James @Comey refused to tell Congress about the Clinton Foundation investigation ( a separate matter from the email investigation) in the months before the election.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

11) @Comey's alibi? "It wasn't public."

The real reason?

He'd be admitting that Hillary, a presidential candidate, was under criminal investigation. (That might cost her the election.)

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

12) @Comey's response to the #IGReport
(Water off a duck's back)

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

14) @TGowdySC said this about the report.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

15) @TheLastRefuge2 found this nugget.
Evidently, #PeterStrzok has been referred to John Huber for possible prosecution.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

16) If you've viewed the report, you may be feeling a little underwhelmed.

Insiders have hinted that it may have been watered down by #RodRosenstein.

This tweet from POTUS on June 5th (posted by #Qanon this morning) is very telling.

17) Was POTUS' tweet about the report a signal [to us] that something was amiss?

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

18) @RepMarkMeadows believes that #RodRosenstien hasn't been fully transparent with Congress.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

19) @RepMarkMeadows also took exception to FBI Director Wray's characterization of the report

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

20) @RepMarkMeadows is sponsoring a resolution to make the DOJ turn over all drafts of the report and other documents related to DOJ investigations.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted…

21) The resolution by @Jim_Jordan and Mark Meadows may never be voted on but it could [set the stage] for a move to impeach #RodRosenstien if he continues to stonewall Congress.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

22) @RepMattGaetz pointed out that the report exposed an operation inside the FBI designed to influence public opinion.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

23) @RepAndyBiggsAZ, suspects #RodRosenstien may have doctored the report before releasing it.

Biggs co-authored a letter to the Inspector General asking for all draft versions to be given to Congress.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

24) Here's the letter from @RepAndyBiggsAZ, @RepDeSantis and @RepMattGaetz asking for all draft versions of the #IGReport


25) @RepAndyBiggsAZ joined Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows in their fight to get #RodRosenstien to turn over all the documents they've requested.


26) #Qanon posted this. He points out that #RodRosenstien will have to explain why he signed off on the FISA warrant that continued surveillance of the Trump campaign when the FBI & DOJ clearly had a political agenda to take down Trump.


27) #Qanon asked: Why was Rachel Brand removed?

Because #RodRosenstien was brought in by Sessions to placate the swamp until now. Brand would not succeed Rosenstein. POTUS would fill that position with his own guy.


28) This thread covers previous posts by #Qanon about #RodRosenstien

29) Our friend @rising_serpent does a lot of Twitter threads but has never quoted #Qanon.

The report today has him wondering if we're getting the whole story.


30) @The_War_Economy has a thread about the #IGReport if you're looking for some good analysis.


31) @tracybeanz is live now on the Hagman report, discussing the #IGReport

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted

32) @TGowdySC who [seemed] to be friendly to the FBI a few weeks ago, delivered scathing remarks about the bureau today.


33) Years ago, the intelligence community (in Operation Mockingbird) thought it a good idea to secretly pose as news reporters.

Today they don't even try to hide it.

#Qanon #IGReportUnredacted…

34) As predicted by #Qanon, members of Congress are questioning the validity of the Mueller investigation in light of obvious bias on the part of the FBI & DOJ.


35) #Qanon posted this last night—a thank you to the Secret Service (USSS)

36) We've been watching @GenFlynn's twitter background over the years noting its changes & taking them as unspoken reports [signals] about the state of our union and the battle to take back out country. The General hasn't tweeted this year but just changed his background.

37) @TheChillum doesn't follow Q but always does solid threads. Here's their take on the #IGReport

38) @GalacticRedPill is even more chill than @TheChillum

GRP is taking a slow and easy approach to evaluating the #IGReport

39) @SentinelVI did this thread on the #IGReport bringing sound reasoning to the discussion.

40) Of course, @_ImperatorRex_ did a thread on the #IGReport
Rex's observations are some of the best (and most encouraging) I've seen yet.

41) @TGowdySC & @RepGoodlatte weigh in on the #IGReport

42) Takeaways:
Gowdy makes the case that any investigation Strzok was involved in is tainted & illegitimate (Mueller)

Goodlatte: More documents need to turned over.
Horowitz will appear before Congress next week.
Rosenstein & Wray are invited to appear the week after.

43) Big Picture: Gowdy and Goodlatte are not running for re-election.

What roles might they play?

44) For the #Qanon followers wondering where the redactions are the Q told us about, I would advise waiting a few days before throwing your arms in the air in disbelief.

45) Consider (in the purest sense) what a redaction is.
To redact is simply to edit (usually to remove) certain parts of a written document.


46) A redacted document is not one that is filled with blacked out areas.
It can be such a document, but that's only one way to redact—to edit—a document.

#Qanon #IGReport

47) I know a little about editing. My editors do great work. We send book manuscripts back and forth adding some paragraphs and redacting others.

#Qanon #IGReport

48) Funny thing about good editing and proper formatting... you'd never guess by reading one of my books that 6 months of redactions occurred before the book was published.

#Qanon #IGReport

49) I do a lot of redacting and adding content to my blog posts, too. Sometimes I'll have 100 revisions in a blog post before I publish it.

The key to good writing is making it look like there were no edits—no redactions.
#Qanon #IGReport

50) Look again at the #IGReport
Look at the formatting—the line spacing, the margins, the fonts that are used, spaces between paragraphs, indentations and the overall flow.


51) You'll probably see (like I did) a lot of irregularities in the formatting.

Those irregularities happen when a clean document is hastily edited—when it's redacted.

#Qanon #IGReport

52) They did their best to hide the changes but I can promise you, the #IGReport we've read is quite different from the one Horowitz submitted to the DOJ.


53) Which is why we're asking for the President to declassify and make public the full, #IGReportUnredacted


54) @SharylAttkisson wrote this article about Washington's culture of redaction.

55) The President shared his thoughts on many subjects today but held his cards close to the vest on the #IGReport
He knows things we don't and he's not talking about them (yet).
I'm waiting for more information before drawing any conclusions,

56) @DevinNunes outlined his concerns about the #IGReport and those in the DOJ who are obstructing Congressional investigations. Without naming him, Nunes suggested that #RodRosenstien is behind the obstructions.

57) Jeff Sessions issued a statement on the #IGReport reminding us that this is not the end of the road. This is only the beginning. John Huber is continuing his work.

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