DocRock1007 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Dreampop Musician, Follower of Jesus, Child of Joy, father of 4, devoted ex-, ex-liberal and sky-pilot, 12-steppin' surfer, & so much less

Jun 18, 2018, 22 tweets

1. #QAnon threads his June 12 post foretelling Ryan role in full weight of the house. Now, Ryan states “there’s going to be action on the floor of the House this week if FBI and DOJ do not comply with our subpoena request.”…

Have faith.

2. #QAnon references an anon's citation of Nunes this morning: "Here's the bottom line: Mr. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, and Director Wray have to decide whether or not they want to be part of the cleanup crew or they want to be part of the cover-up crew.” #Q

3. #QAnon's ref to Nunes's him locked & loaded: “Think about it: FBI, the world's premier law enforcement agency, leaking to the press about ongoing investigations [as recently as last week], while at the same time they're not giving info to Congress.”… #Q

4. #QAnon Gowdy's ready to roll too.… #Q

5. #QAnon- Nunes: Rosenstein DOJ "have swore up and down that they've given us everything that's pertinent to our investigation after the investigation was opened (7/31/16). And they have claimed that there is nothing else that exists before that date."… #Q

6. #QAnon- Nunes: "if documents do not begin to be turned over tomorrow and a clear way and path forward for everything else is not clear here in the next couple days, there's going to be hell to pay by Wednesday morning". #Q

7. #QAnon: "GOOGle OPeration provided undeniable proof" - proof of Gmail draft comms between the 13 of Hussein's Admin staff incl Hussein.
"How do you share what you already know (legally)?
Those who don’t act now know they cannot hide the reasons why.
What a wonderful day.

8. #QAnon recites the pic(s) he posted of Google headquarters Friday.
They "have everything." Unredacted IG report will reveal much, but @POTUS has ready EO to release all if need be.


9. #QAnon This is Sohale Siddiqi. Now we just have to find him in Hussein's previous administration, without facial hair, like Q suggested in the post from June 15, 2018.

"Track history.

10. #QAnon- @DevinNunes: "Did somebody actually try to remove that text message from the FBI? It's hard for the American people to believe that that was not removed on purpose." Why only getting it now? "National security". But no bias. Right?

11. #QAnon Happy Father's Day! An anon replies to Q, "You are furthering the Divine Stride of our Founding Fathers. May you feel their blessing and may they shower keen intelligence, power and safety upon you."

"Thank you & God bless.

12. #QAnon Notice the dates are another #Q-proof: Q had foreknowledge of Rosenstein redacting the OIG report allowed for the People to see.


13. #QAnon comments with pic from Barcelona on #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide

"The World is watching.

14. #QAnon posts clip of Hussein at 2014 Bilderberg in Belgium. Orig clip is out of context, as full speech discusses 2 ideologies. What's missing is that Hussein leaves ambiguous which he supports with his globalist condemnation of "nationalism". #Q

15. #QAnon

"Lead in was cover.
Exit out was missing what?


16. #QAnon 2:20 minute mark:

"Every kiss begins with Q" gotta get woke!"

"It’s coming.

17. #QAnon The anti-#Q talk is about to go mainstream in the biggest way, plus, 'Snopes' (whose credibility, of course, is approximately zero) is building algorithm to now track & refute all Q posts as 'false', whilst Google still top-ranks #Snopes 'factchecks' on searches.

18. #QAnon Snopes is run by the left, anything but impartial fact checkers. The More they attack #Q the stronger we become.

19. #QAnon: A lot of effort to discredit a "LARP" (Live Action Role Player). Today #Q posted Happy Father's Day message at 11:48 am and @realDonaldTrump retweeted the WH tweet wishing everyone "Happy Father's Day" at 11:55. 7 minutes delta. 7 days of "fun" coming! Enjoy!

20. Most recent prior #QAnon thread is unrolled here:…

21. @threadreaderapp please unroll this latest #QAnon thread here:

22. #QAnon In 2017 Snopes reported that it received $100,000 that year from Facebook for participating in their "'fact-checking' partnership effort" #Q

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