Omnicentrist 💉 MicroChip🆔️1984 Profile picture
Followed By @dougmastriano @willsommer @RealDrGina @RitaCosby @JessieJaneDuff @ladykennington @Solmemes1 🇦🇺Gen X

Jun 20, 2018, 6 tweets

LP “Viva Le Resistance.”
Viv[a] vs Viv[e]
[J C]
Why classified by intel comm @ highest level?
Define title.
Define role w/ Mueller.
Exchange shelters VERY senior member.

#Qanon #QArmy #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheGreatAwakening #QanonPosts #RedPill

What a coincidence.

What is this?
Would she know?

#Qanon #QArmy #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheGreatAwakening #QanonPosts #RedPill

Come on Q. Who is it? this is the owl photo all over again. A lot happened today and anons are focusing on a damn blurry photo of some old man. End it already!



#Qanon #QArmy #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheGreatAwakening #QanonPosts #RedPill

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