Joseph Mallozzi 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
Showrunner/Executive Producer/Writer - Dark Matter, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Universe. Crime Show enthusiast.

Jun 21, 2018, 16 tweets

#DarkMatter Virtual Season 4 - Episode 4.02 - Act 1
Previously on Dark Matter: Wexler forces the alien out of TWO, but not before she glimpses a clue to the whereabouts of her daughter. THREE turns the tables on a Alt. Portia. Ryo informs Android he wants to remain onboard...

FIVE mourns the loss of SIX - who, it turns out, is alive and well but trapped on the other side of the spacetime rift with Tash. A plan is hatched to use Traugott's white hole bomb to destroy the rift - but we discover that it is now in the hands of the Galactic Authority.

Establish: A Galactic Authority Outpost
Anders access a secures section of the facility. "I'm in,"he informs someone on his comm link. It's Mission Impossible time as he makes his way down a corridor then into a control room where he relieves the guard on duty.

Anders opens up a panel on a computer and proceeds to upload the data. Unbeknownst to him, the guard he relieved holds up, realizes he forgot his I.D., turns and heads back the way he came. INTERCUT Anders waiting for the data to finish uploading/The guard on his way back.

Anders finishes - just in time to hand the returning guard his forgotten I.D. Cool as a cucumber. Once the guard leaves, Anders speaks into his comm. "Did you get it?"
REVEAL FIVE on the bridge of The Raza, having received the upload. Mission accomplished.

Wexler pays TWO a visit to see how she's doing - and to find out how much she remembers. "You torturing me?"she offers. He points out it was necessary and that, when you really think about it, he's the reason she's back to her old self. Still, TWO hasn't exactly warmed to him.

They are interrupted by the Android who informs them that THREE's and the Alt Marauder have docked.

THREE steps through the airlock and reunites with the team - after punching out Wexler for abandoning him on the Ferrous Corp shipyard. THREE points out that they now have two Marauders, and one of them is FTL capable. The others exchange solemn looks. THREE wonders what's up?

On the Ferrous Corp shipyard on the other side of the rift, SIX and Tash, are faced with the prospect of being light years away from gateway with a shuttle incapable of FTL travel. SIX has an idea however. Maybe they can access one of the docked half-built Ferrous ships...

...and retrofit one of their FTL engines to the Marauder. It's an iffy prospect that could result in everything from a successful jump to a massive explosion, but they don't have much in the way of options.

The Android and FIVE have gotten THREE up to speed. He reacts to the news of SIX's sacrifice. THREE asks FIVE if she is okay with using the white hole bomb to collapse the rift, cutting off any hope of retrieving him. FIVE isn't happy about it, but what choice do they have?

On the bridge, Android is monitoring the captured alien. Ryo comes in and asks her if she's learned anything. She informs him she's exposed it to extreme heat, cold, electricity, and radiation - to no effect. It's an extremely resilient entity!

TWO comes in and demands to know what Ryo is doing on the bridge. The Android explains that he, and Wexler, have been implanted with transponders that allow her to monitor their shipboard whereabouts at all time. But it's not enough for TWO.

Wexler may have bought himself a little goodwill, but their relationship with Ryo ended after that last battle. She aims to follow through on the promise she made him in the season finale and release him. He tells her he doesn't want to leave, that he has nowhere to go.

TWO orders him sealed in his quarters until she decides what to do with him. As Ryo willingly heads off, the Android reveals to TWO that she might have another option for dealing with him...

On the shipyard, SIX and Tash discover most of the Ferrous Corp ships have been lost. The only viable candidate is docked at a heavily damaged section of the facility. One of them is going to have to go for a space walk...


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