Joseph Mallozzi 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
Showrunner/Executive Producer/Writer - Dark Matter, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Universe. Crime Show enthusiast.

Jun 23, 2018, 15 tweets

#DarkMatter Virtual Season 4 - Episode 4.02, Act II
Act 1:
The Raza drops out of FTL at a space station.
At the airlock, Lieutenant Anders is welcomed aboard.

In the mess, they discuss the op to steal the white hole bomb. It's being held in a heavily-secured facility. But there's a way in. Guards travel to and from the station via a dedicated transfer transit station. The crew of The Raza will get into that station with Anders' help.

Then he, THREE, and Wexler will transfer to the facility while TWO stays behind to guard their defenseless bodies. Once they secure the bomb, they'll steal a GA shuttle and fly it out of the facility and back to The Raza that will drop out of FTL and pick them all up. Simple!

On the Ferrous shipyard, meanwhile, on the other side of the rift, SIX dons a spacesuit. Tash informs him that she will remain at the control hub to bypass any security protocols and guide him. Simple! #DarkMatter

As she prepares to leave, TWO tells the Android about Kyrden and her baby. She believes her vision was based on a memory and asks the Android to try to locate the planet they were on - a planet with three moons and a distinct atmospheric phenomena. #DarkMatter

Tash guides SIX around various dangerous and unstable pockets of the facility, overriding locked doors so that he finally gain access to one of the partially constructed ships. He gets to work, detaching the FTL engine. #DarkMatter

A G.A. shuttle streaks through space and approaches an outpost.
Inside the shuttle, Anders is at the controls. He uses the security codes he stole from the G.A. database (see Tease), causing the station's automated defense systems to stand down and allow them access. #DarkMatter

They take out a couple of guards, then Anders uses a retinal scanner to access the transit room. He, THREE, and Wexler change into the waiting G.A. uniforms and get into the pods. They hum to life as an armed TWO looks on...

On the Ferrous shipyard, SIX succeeds in detaching the FTL engine and starts back. Tash tells him to pick up the pace. SIX: "You ever try running in mag boots?!" Suddenly, Tash tracks a piece of debris headed for his section. There's nothing SIX can do but brace for impact!

Anders, THREE, and Wexler exit the pods on the other side and head into the facility. As they do, Anders is recognized. He bluffs his way through and our trio continue on their way, relieved but… The guard's eyes narrow as he watches Anders go. Something isn't right here…

On The Raza, the Android offers Ryo an option. She explains that every time someone uses transfer transit, the system downloads a neural template of the traveler. That template is transferred, via subspace, to a clone, imbuing it with the original's personality and memories.

The neural imprint is, in effect, stored back-up that will allow them to re-set him back to who he was the last time he used the pods (back in Episode 207) before he embarked on his campaign to retake the throne. They could have the old FOUR back - if it works. #DarkMatter

A rattled SIX heads back with the FTL engine. Suddenly, he holds up, asks Tash for a way around. But there is no way around. Reveal SIX standing at the edge of a precipice, almost 30 feet of open space between him and the other end of the corridor. So much for simple.

At the G.A. facility, THREE, Anders and Wexler arrive in the holding area where the bomb is being stored - only to discover it's not there. much for simple!

TWO is surprised by a G.A. special ops team and exchanges fire with them. A stun grenade is tossed into the room and goes off. TWO goes down, unconscious, and the G.A. team takes the room - and everyone inside.

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