Joseph Mallozzi 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
Showrunner/Executive Producer/Writer - Dark Matter, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Universe. Crime Show enthusiast.

Jun 24, 2018, 12 tweets

#DarkMatter Episode 4.02 Act 4
SIX drifts wide of the mark. He begins to run Tash through the piloting sequence that will get her through the rift when suddenly, his progress is halted. REVEAL Tash, secured to a lifeline, has snagged his ankle, literally "catching her lift".

Commander Vandermeer pays a visit to the imprisoned TWO, THREE, and Wexler. TWO makes a pitch for the white hole bomb so that they can target the rift and, hopefully, deal the looming alien invasion a critical blow. Vandermeer is unconvinced...

Inside the G.A. facility, Wexler tells the security guards outside the door that he'll detonate the bomb if they don't back off. The scientist confirms that it, has intact, been armed. Wexler reminds them they are clones and have nothing to lose. #DarkMatter

Back at the outpost, Vandermeer learns the clones are threatening to blow up the facility. In addition to the loss of life and whatever research they have down there, the G.A. will have to explain what they were doing in possession of a white hole bomb. Vandermeer stews.

On the Ferrous shipyard, SIX and Tash take off their space suits. SIX thanks her for saving him. Tash suggests he show his appreciation by getting them the hell back home. Both grab the FTL engine and make for the Marauder. #DarkMatter

Back at the G.A. facility, the clones strike a deal. The G.A. agrees to back off. They unseal the lab doors. The corridors are clear; the security guards are nowhere in sight. The clones head to the shuttle bay with the white hole bomb.

As Vandermeer prepares to release TWO, THREE and Wexler, he takes Anders aside and orders him on the op to take out the rift. HE will be the G.A.'s eyes and ears onboard The Raza.

The G.A. shuttle docks with The Raza. Onboard, all convene. The Android suggests she could try to establish a neural link to the G.A.'s shuttle and deliver the bomb that way - but it may take some time. Clone THREE, instead, volunteers himself and clone Wexler for the job.

The Raza drops out of FTL near the rift. The G.A. shuttle launches with clone Wexler piloting, clone THREE on weapons. On The Raza, Android, TWO, FIVE, and Anders look on as the alien ships come alive. Some engage the shuttle while others open fire on them. #DarkMatter

As the G.A. shuttle bobs and weaves its way past the aliens' weaponfire, The Raza is rattled by a barrage. On the bridge, the Android is focused on something else entirely. FIVE asks her what she is doing. Android informs her she's sending a message through the rift...

SIX and Tash are working on the engine when SIX notices a familiar signal flash up on the comm screen: a modulated tachyon pulse. He realizes: "We have to go. Now!" A final adjustment, then they scramble into their seats. He punches it. The Marauder streaks out of the shipyard.

On the other side of the rift, the G.A. shuttle takes a hit. Its shields fail. Onboard The Raza, Ryo, alone in his quarters, feels the ship shudder. On the bridge, the rest of the crew look on anxiously. Is this going to work? #DarkMatter

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