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Jun 29, 2018, 94 tweets

1) This is my #Qanon thread for June 28, 2018

Q posts can be found here:

My theme for this thread: "Power to the People."

2) Donald Trump's presidency has returned power to the people. We finally have a man in the White House who hears us.

That Trump would dare to take power from the elites in the media, in academia, in Hollywood, and in DC and give to us must surely irritate them.

3) It must also irritate the elites to see an anonymous troll from 8chan like #Qanon (who makes no money from his efforts) named as one of the most influential figures in society.

4) Time Magazine did just that, naming #Qanon one of the top 25 most influential people on the Internet.

For Q, it's only the beginning.


5) An anon expressed impatience (and boredom) watching the House Judiciary hearing with Chris Wray and Rod Rosenstein this morning.

6) #Qanon said to focus on the House floor vote which interrupted the hearing.

7) An anon made this observation about the vote.

8) A second anon reported the vote and said it had been marked in the notables section on the #Qanon research board and included a link to an article about the vote:…

9) Near the top of the page on the #Qanon research board, there are various links stored for reference. One section is called 'Notables."

10) #Qanon responded.

11) An anon pointed out that Mark Meadows introduced the bill, but Paul Ryan brought it to the floor for a vote.

(It's important to remember that the Speaker can refuse to bring any resolution up for a vote.)

12) Ryan could have tabled the resolution by Meadows but #Qanon said in May that he's cooperating with the Freedom Caucus since he's not seeking re-election.

13) #Qanon posted a link to a tweet by @Q_ANONBaby and a link to a youtube video.

He also asked a few questions.

14) Here's the tweet by @Q_ANONBaby

15) Here's the video from @Q_ANONBaby showing the President pointing him out as he wore a Q shirt to a rally for the second time.

16) Here's the Youtube video #Qanon posted.
It's a trailer from the film "White Squall."
Many of the terms we use in our movement come from it.


17) The President first made a statement about the storm on October 5th, 2017, while in the presence of military leaders and their families.

#Qanon #CalmBeforeTheStorm

18) #Qanon first began posting about the storm and the #GreatAwakening on October 28th, 1017.

This post from October 31st reveals a lot about #Qanon's mission.

19) #Qanon closed his post with "Fireworks."
What kind of fireworks should we expect?

20) On July 3rd, Imran Awan appears in court to enter a plea deal.
Not excited?

You don't get a plea deal unless you cooperate with prosecutors.
Prosecutors generally offer plea deals to small fish when they want to catch bigger fish.

21) I suspect that Imran Awan's plea deal will lead to the prosecution of the Democratic Representatives who hired him, who didn't do background checks and allowed him to steal classified information and money from Congress.

22) FYI - July 3rd is Julian Assange's birthday.

23) #Qanon posted this.

Are you ready?

24) #Qanon posted a link to an article about an investigation into Netflix and a film they've streamed that some say contains child pornography.

It's no secret that the left has been trying to normalize pedophilia.

25) Here's the link #Qanon posted.…

26) #Qanon asked who is on the board of Netflix?

That would be Susan Rice.…

27) Rice helped Barack Obama get a show on Netflix.
(See how that works?)

26) There's also this story about a TED talk featuring a woman who claims that pedophilia is normal and nothing can (or should) be done about it.

27) Salon published (and has since pulled) an article by a self-confessed pedophile.
The title of the article was "I'm a Pedophile, You're the Monsters."

Here's link to a different article on the same story.

28) The left is hoping that by bombarding us with a constant stream of pro-pedophile propaganda, we'll be convinced that it's not a criminal act.

(An important battle to win if you happen to be a pedophile.)

29) #Qanon posted a link to an article about a Facebook poll asking users' views on pedophile activities.

Q asked the big question: Does the left intend to defend this kind of behavior when perpetrators in their midst are exposed?

30 Here's the link #Qanon posted.…

31) An anon expressed disgust to #Qanon.

32) #Qanon reminded us that their day is coming.

33) Speaking of Facebook ... #Qanon posted an article about a possible coup that would remove Mark Zuckerberg.

34) Here's the link #Qanon posted.…

35) [MZ] Mark Zuckerberg's days at Facebook may be numbered.
But #Qanon told us that in April.

36) An anon posted a letter signed by 10 Frightened Democrats demanding that Julian Assange's asylum be revoked.

Now, why would Democrats suddenly feel like Assange is a threat to them? 🤔

37) The 10 Frightened Democrats know that Assange has the goods on them. If/when he testifies about the DNC emails, the truth comes out about Seth Rich. Ditto for the server.

38) Rather than being a nothing burger, #Qanon said the Awan case is bigger than you can imagine.

39) #Qanon said that after the Trump-Putin summit has concluded, the truth about #UraniumOne can be publicly revealed. (To do so before the summit would cause negative optics.)
Timing is everything.

40) An anon posted a graphic linking a previous #Qanon post to a news article about Comey's decision to kill an agreement between Assange and the DOJ.

41) #Qanon said it no coincidence Assange is suddenly in the headlines again.
The deep state is in crisis mode, knowing that his testimony will reveal the truth.

42) An anon was outraged that members of the media blame the President for the shooting yesterday at the #CapitalGazette.

43) Rob Cox wasn't the only one in the media to blame the President. Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks blamed him.

44) In an interesting response, a police chief at the scene refused to say the name of the shooter.

45) #Qanon reminded us who was it was that called for violence.

46) #QAnon suggested more research should be done concerning the background of mass shooters. There are important features they have in common. Most have a history of specific mental illness.

47) #Qanon asked why it is that Freemasons are often found at the scene of mass shootings.

48) An anon found a picture of a man at the Santa Fe shooting who was wearing a Freemason pendant.

49) #Qanon pointed out that this man was at the San Bernardino shooting. Check out the emblem on his hat.

50) I'm friends with a number of people who do ministry to survivors of ritual abuse. Most people are familiar with Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) but mind control and ritual abuse are commonly found in high-level Freemasonry.

51) The goal with all forms of ritual abuse is to program the minds of subjects to make them slaves. Once programmed, the subjects serve their masters without questioning their commands.

52) If you'd like more information on ritual abuse and mind control, you might check out the podcasts of Dan Duval from @BRIDEMinistries. including this one that Dan and I did.

Warning: It's not called "Down the Rabbit Hole" for nothing.

53) #Qanon pointed out that powerful organizations tend to have internal structures that lead to corruption. Not everyone is affected by corruption so care must be taken not to condemn the innocent.

54) An anon confirmed that the #CapitalGazetteShooting suspect, Jarrod Ramos, has a therapist. (He tweeted something his therapist told him.)

55) #Qanon responded.

56) @astra_novae recorded Jarrod Ramos' Twitter timeline since it will likely be scrubbed soon. Here's one of the videos. (The full video series can found on his page.)

57) #Qanon posted a link to a web PAGE about the #CapitalGazetteShooting suspect Jarrod Ramos. He asked us to check out the graphic at the bottom of the page.

58) Here's the link #Qanon posted and the image he referenced.…

59) Here's an observation by one of the anons about Freemasonry.

60) Freemasons believe they are being targeted for discrimination and harassment.

61) You may have noticed an odd emblem on the forehead of #CapitalGazetteShooting suspect Jarrod Ramos that appears on his Twitter page profile.

62) An anon noticed, too. Here's what he learned about the image.

63) #Qanon reposted the anon's image.

63) I found this about the "Brand of Sacrifice" on Berserk Wiki

64) An anon asked #Qanon if all shooters are branded with this mark.

65) #Qanon said members crave belonging to something powerful
The therapist is key & the name can be found in a public filing
The therapist will lead to other patients.
C_IA chief Haspel knows about the classified mind-control program and must terminate it.

66) #Qanon mentioned that Freemason's members crave a sense of belonging to something powerful. Something bigger than themselves.

That's exactly what new members say.…

67) If you think mind-control is something only found in novels and films, art imitates life. Mind-control is a well-documented reality.

68) An anon asked #Qanon for clarification about Gina Haspel and the C_IA's mind control program(s)

69) #Qanon told the anons that the plot of the Jason Bourne films is a good picture of what's happening within the C_IA's covert ops.

70) #Qanon

71) An anon pointed out that Jarrod Ramos filed a complaint with the State of Maryland about his therapist.

(#Qanon told us their error was allowing the therapist's name to be made public.)

72) Anons dug and found 2 documents naming a therapist who worked with Ramos.

73) Here's a closer look.

74) #Qanon wrote:
Conspiracy risk.
End (for now).

The discussion of this subject is done (for now).

75) #AwanBrothers update:
Democratic IT aide Imran Awan solicited a bribe from an IT vendor in exchange for contracting opportunities with the office of then-Rep. Gwen Graham, the vendor alleged to The Daily Caller News Foundation…

76) An anon asked if #Qanon would comment on rumors that General Kelly would be leaving as Chief of Staff and rumors that North Korea is working on its nuclear weapons program.

77) #Qanon said reports about North Korea's weapons program are fake news.
He suggested that if General Kelly took another position in the administration, it would be for a strategic reason.

78) #Qanon did a security test.

79) An anon told #Qanon he couldn't access the previous thread (bread) and he was receiving error messages.

80) #Qanon said due to the sensitive nature of the discussion, the site was under attack.

81) #Qanon reminded us of what happened yesterday when the House voted to force the DOJ to produce the documents they've kept from Congress for over a year.
The threatened consequence for non-compliance is the removal of Rod Rosenstein.
The DOJ has 6 days left to comply.

82) Rosenstein has orders not to give Congress documents that will expose corruption at the highest levels.

If Paul Ryan has gone this far with the Freedom Caucus, my guess is he'll bring a vote to the floor to hold Rosenstein in contempt or possibly move to impeach him.

83) #Qanon said that the left is attempting to portray Trump and Q followers as violent extremists.
4chan moderators have been compromised.
The mainstream media is pushing a narrative which will grow stronger.
They want us to become violent in response to their tactics.

84) The "Ready David" comment by #Qanon seems to be aimed at David Brock, the man behind Sharblue and host of other leftist propaganda outlets.

85) If you're not familiar with Shareblue and David Brock, here's a good article on their agenda and tactics.

86) #Qanon posted a link to an article by @HuffPost which claimed that the right was rejoicing over the #CapitalGazetteShooting…

87) A anon said he now understand why all the articles about #Qanon point to 4chan instead of 8chan where Q posts.

88) Another anon responded to #Qanon

89) Another anon responded to #Qanon

90) This anon offered a prayer strategy.
Perhaps the best response is to let God deal with our enemies.

91) #Qanon has a few more posts on the board.
I'll discuss them in a new thread.

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