GratefulAmerican Profile picture
I block Lefty #CryBullies & #totalitarian #CommieCrats When Republicans fought and died to end slavery, the Democrat response was to form the KKK.

Jun 30, 2018, 13 tweets

20 years ago Bill Clinton was President - he was also impeached. He literally opened several gates of hell. This meme scratches the surface of his wrong-doings.

Yes he really was impeached.

His wife Hillary defamed the women Bill victimized.

He and Hillary created a fake foundation

They kept 94% of the money collected for the poor, needy, and those suffering tragedy.

Ask Haiti.

There are many crimes that were covered up. Look at their faces during Hillarys debate. Their deep concern wasn't about their cash cow, they knew that their crimes would eventually be revealed if Hillary lost.

Yet Hillary remains delusional,.

And will do so until:

The entire Clinton Crime Cabal has RICO charges filed against them.
How many are prison bound?

What else will be discovered/revealed?

Thank God Hillary lost.

Any questions?

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