Thomas Wood 🇺🇸 🌊 🇺🇦 Profile picture
True Blue American. Supporter of the liberal world order.

Jul 2, 2018, 9 tweets

(THREAD--8 tweets) On #michaelcohen: a timeline and a prediction of sorts.

1/ Wednesday, June 27: Prosecutors get most of Cohen’s raid materials

2/ Michael Cohen on Twitter
Thursday, June 28

3/ Thursday, June 28. Vanity Fair (Emily Jane Fox)

4/ Friday night, June 29

5/ Saturday, June 30 Michael Cohen (in a tweet tonight--Sunday)

6/ Monday, July 2? Who knows? Friends say he’s exhausted because he and his family have been under enormous pressure. Clearly he’s snapped.

7/ But if Cohen *hasn't* thrown in the towel and decided to flip (or actually has flipped), it is hard to understand why his lawyers have not stopped him, b/c *anything* he says tomorrow as a *non-cooperating* subject of an investigation can be used against him. #michaelcohen

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