Its not “small government” when congressional male republicans who aren’t gynecologists, feel Big Brother State must intervene in women’s reproduction and family planning issues because women (unlike men) can’t be trusted to make decisions with their doctors.
Its not “small government”when presumably celibate-for-life congressional male republicans in defiance of the US Constitution, deputize their Christian Right donors to God-splain contraception and holy subjugation policies to the untrustworthy women.
Its not “small government” when congressional male republicans blend Big Brother State w/Christian Right God-splainers to hobble women, denying access to birth control, equal insurance pricing, equal access to healthcare, workplace protections and freedom. 🇺🇸
Its not “small government” when old congressional male republicans without medical licenses, hobble women and override their religious #freedom by enforcing RW religious mandates/restrictions on how doctors explain options and otherwise advise their patients.
It’s not “small government” when congressional male republicans without medical licenses demand ownership and control of women’s bodies, mark them as crime scenes they investigate at will, enforce compliance and administer punishment upon, as they deem just.
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