Ali Adair 🟧 Profile picture
Former journalist, hate corruption, MArch, AIA Assoc, LEED AP BD+C, #UnKochAmerica #ClimateChangeIsReal #NoConCon4AnyReason

Jul 15, 2018, 16 tweets

💥Wanted to re-post @SenFranken's 25 questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh from facebook in a more twitter-friendly format:

⚡️This is what the #Democrats are missing.

➡️Intro & question 1:

Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 2 & 3:

Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 4 & 5:

🔁Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 6 & 7:

🔁Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 8 & 9:

🔁Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 10 & 11:

🔁Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 12 & 13:

🔁Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 14 & 15:

🔁Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 16 & 17:

🔁Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 18 & 19:

🔁Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 20 & 21:

🔁Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 22 & 23:

🔁Re-posting @SenFranken's questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

➡️Questions 24 & 25:

💥32 #Democratic Senators called for Senator Al Franken's resignation in December 2017.

To quote Julia Roberts' character in PRETTY WOMAN:

"Big Mistake.



💥Think #Democrats could use his intelligence & questioning technique when Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings start? Think the GOP will miss Franken?

📣Can't say it enough.

☑️Big Mistake.



⚡️I've read many decent articles about the Al Franken fiasco, but honestly this is the best one I've seen. The Democracy Guardian is a strong left-leaning news & opinion website/blog. This piece was written by S. Novi, with excellent analysis.…

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