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Persistently outraged. TFG & co-conspirators must be held responsible!

Jul 15, 2018, 11 tweets

My husband saw a friend yesterday who is a swing Republican. He wanted to know if Dems r running on trump impeachment or have an actual platform.
I’ve attached a thread on some key points w/ expansion of ideas. Please let me know if I’ve missed anything. Feel free to share.

This is a solid platform that enables us to move forward as a Nation for all to prosper. I don’t think Dem leaders focus enough on these things. MSM is too busy covering daily assaults on our democracy.

Get big money & special interest groups out of Government (especially the NRA). Only way to truly represent the will of the people.

Fair trade that benefits Americans, Not a trade war.

Immigration reform, especially given our current climate, this is key! #KeepFamiliesTogether and due process for asylum seekers.

Protecting and guaranteeing all rights. Progressing into the ideals that should exist in 2018 and beyond.

No one left behind!

Forward into the 20th century where mental health should not be stigmatized!

Values, morals & compassion...


I would add, Increasing teacher pay, & providing mentoring & more resources 4 at risk youth. Increase support 4 vets(including PTSD sufferers). No privatization of VA. Common sense gun reform!

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