MonsieurAmerica Profile picture
Espionage. #CrossfireHurricane. Communism.

Jul 16, 2018, 15 tweets

Finally, a SERIOUS indictment! 🤔
Suspect is currently APPREHENDED.……

Pretty timid stuff.
Most interesting is the TIMING.
Right after #TreasonSummit.
With cries of Trump "submitting" & "doing nothing".

Meat of the indictment.
Pretty light TASKINGS.
But at least these are affirmative and provable offences.

The young spy's Russian handler talks up her confidence. While Butina makes astute observations on the harsh 2016 electoral climate. 😂

Interesting: Days after the election, Butina and Handler are DM'ng via TWITTER about amateurish meeting attempts with politicians. WTF.

Butina questioning Trump days after his announcement to Run...

Butina is strangely both PROMINENT on the US political radar (see York), and yet is caught using CHILDISH OPSEC.

The entire affidavit is basically constructed of pos-hoc FISA surveillance of emails & DM's!??!🤔

🔹Follows on heels of #12RussiansIndicted
🔹Charges by DOJ DC office, not Mueller
🔹Same day as #TreasonSummit
🔹Completely pwns/contradicts projections of the GUILTY

DIGEST THE IRONY: on SAME DAY as so-called #TreasonSummit wherein Putin denies meddling & architects of #CrossfireHurricaine are calling for Trump's IMPEACHMENT, we instead get VERY FIRST ARREST (!) of an ACTUAL RUSSIAN AGENT, by Trump DOJ & NOT MUELLER probe!


Newt's calculus is rarely off-target. I agree insofar as Trump needs to *respond* in-kind to actual NatSec threats. I believe Marina Butima's arrest today is a *clear* signal in that regard.


Much pontification on "significance & timing" of Mueller's paper tiger indictment, prior to Summit.

Trump's ARREST of 1st RUSSIAN AGENT TIED TO MEDDLING, ON date of #TreasonSummit?
🔹no excitement, mostly confusion
🔹no Q's re: "timing & significance"

Lots of us in this Corner are noticing the same thing. 1/

Lots of us in this Corner are noticing the same thing. 2/

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