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NYT Bestseller THE UNDERTOW: Scenes from a Slow Civil War. THE FAMILY (book & Netflix). THIS BRILLIANT DARKNESS. Words+pics @VanityFair. Teach @Dartmouth.

Jul 17, 2018, 10 tweets

The #nationalprayerbreakfast is all over the affidavit for Russian spy Maria Butina. I wrote two books, THE FAMILY & C STREET, about its organizers, the most influential - & secretive - Christian conservative group in DC, known as The Fellowship & internally as The Family.

Lobbyists & foreign nationals use the #nationalprayerbreakfast as "a way to gain entrée to all sorts of people,” the late Michael Cromartie, an evangelical Washington think tanker declared. “And entrée they do get.” #RussianPuppet

The Family - & spies like Maria Butina - use the National Prayer Breakfast precisely because it's not transparent. “It totally circumvents the State Department and the usual vetting within the administration that such a meeting would require,” an internal source boasts.

That's the National Prayer Breakfast as I described it in my book THE FAMILY. Let's look at how DOJ describes it in the #mariabutina affidavit:

Did #mariabutina work through The Family's National Prayer Breakfast only in D.C.? No -- they went to her in Moscow, actively cultivating a relationship with these spies. As I write in THE FAMILY, this is an international movement.

Here #MariaButina discusses using The Family's #nationalprayerbreakfast as part of a plan, "our game," to win "the battle for the future."

& here #MariaButina discusses who to put in the Russian delegation specially invited to The Family's #nationalprayerbreakfast:

It's not just the Russians. "Person Number 1," a U.S. "political operative," helps #MariaButina use The Family's #nationalprayerbreakfast for her operation:

Key thing to know about The Family's #nationalprayerbreakfast is that it's not just the breakfast -- The Family organizes a week of de facto lobbying events. #MariaButina used them to maximize impact:

As I wrote in THE FAMILY, The Family considers the #nationalprayerbreakfast a recruiting device - "1/10 of 1 percent of the iceberg," according to the longtime leader. So did #MariaButina, who used it to recruit - successfully - for her operation within The Family:

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