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Jul 17, 2018, 10 tweets

Trump begins interview w/Hannity by touting that Putin cleared him of collusion & said he doesn't have blackmail material.

"First of all, he said there was no collusion whatsoever. They have no information on Trump... I thought that President Putin was very, very strong." #lulz

Trump is vague about what exactly he discussed with Putin during their private meeting, brags about immiserating Iran via terminating the nuclear agreement.

TRUMP: "I know President Obama has said that global warming is our biggest problem, but I would say that nuclear warming is our biggest problem by the factor of about 5 million."

TRUMP blatantly lies about NATO: "We are paying 91% of the cost of keeping Europe safe. So the EU takes total advantage of us... we defended them for essentially nothing. And I said 'it's not going to be that way anymore.'" (The US pays 22% of the cost of NATO.)

Trump says he threatened to pull out of NATO: "I raised $44b & Secretary General said he raised $44b & it was only because of Trump. Otherwise, I said 'we are going to have to start worrying about our relationship w/NATO.'" (NATO members agreed to raise military spending in 2014)

Hannity puts words in Trump's mouth in attempt to justify his attacks on the media as "enemies of the people."

Trump savages Strzok, suggests Obama was part of deep state conspiracy to prevent him from getting elected

"He thought Hillary Clinton was going to win...frankly, when I won, he said, 'this is the biggest deal'... it's a very dishonest deal... if you think Obama didn't know..."

Trump says he's "fascinated" by Putin's preposterous idea that Mueller should work with him.

"I was fascinated by it...his prosecutors would prosecute it, & he said that Robert Mueller's people could go with them." (Mueller has charged more than two dozen Russians with crimes.)

TRUMP is totally delusional & supportive of Putin's idea that Mueller's team should prosecute Russian hackers in Russia.

"He's willing to take those 12 people...willing to let Mueller's people go over there. Do an investigation, people working together w/Russian investigators"

Trump closes his interview with @seanhannity by alluding to the possibility of nuclear war with Russia, and lamenting that Paul Manafort, "who is clearly a nice man," is being treated "like Al Capone."

"It's just a sad thing. It's a very sad thing for our country," POTUS says.

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