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Jul 19, 2018, 27 tweets

Found it! Let's see what all the fuss is about lol. #TrumpKnew…

"Two weeks before his inauguration" so well after President Obama and the IC spied on his campaign, ran multiple spies to try to dirty up low level campaign associates, and used a Hillary Clinton and DNC funded fake foreign dossier to get a FISA warrant, got it

So John Brennan absolutely freaks on on Twitter and basically calls for a revolution and then The New York Times prints what they claim to be information regarding a secret highly placed CIA source that is next to Putin?

Surely a coincidence.

"Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing."

1.)Saying someone "sounded convinced" is the worst type of reporting, NYT does this constantly.
2.)Again, someone high up in the IC was in the room and told the NYT

"the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017"

January 6th, 2017. Same day this NYT article came out about this same thing? Surely a coincidence.…

The officials presented their unanimous conclusions to Mr. Trump in a two-hour briefing at Trump Tower in NY that brought the leaders of America’s intelligence agencies face to face with their most vocal skeptic, the president-elect, who has repeatedly cast doubt on Russia’s role

From January 6th, 2017:

"The public report lacked the evidence that intelligence officials said was included in a classified version, which they described as information on the sources and methods used to collect the information about Mr. Putin and his associates"

lol The New York Times just literally reprinted it's own article from January it looks like and a bunch of morons on twitter are trending it like it's some earth shattering reveal! #TrumpKnew

From January:

"Those would include intercepts of conversations and the harvesting of computer data from “implants” that the United States and its allies have put in Russian computer networks."

We hacked Russian emails and computer networks is how we knew they hacked us 😂👍

This January article is so much better!

The New York Times, in a stunning moment of clarity, revealed that it was a very risky move for our intelligence agencies at the time and that it brought back doubts regarding the Iraq War and the IC role.

Awesome! #TrumpKnew that too!

As the New York Times pointed out back in January, Trump had the exact same reaction. Slam the IC, accept some Russian involvement in our election process (they always are involved) but deflect the fake "Putin helped him win" narrative. It's why this treason stuff is so hollow

From January:

President Trump said " the storm surrounding Russian hacking was nothing more than a “political witch hunt” carried out by his adversaries,"

Yep! Just like this current "storm" is. It's all just fake manufactured media hype and it's recycled at that lol

From January:

China also hacks us, the DNC was grossly negligent, I keep having to double check this is from the article from January because it's literally the exact same thing that everyone is screaming bloody murder about this week.…

I don't want to keep typing it all the way out but whenever I say January it's January 2017 obviously. That's how long we have been stuck in an endless loop of fake Russia nonsense from the fake news media.

Now back then they could admit that the Republicans were also targeted but this article also doesn't say anything about treason so it seems like things have ramped up substantially on the insanity meter since then.

British intelligence played a secret and crucial role as far back as fall 2015? That's way before Crossfire Hurricane started! WOW

"The British role, which has been closely held, is a critical part of the timeline because it suggests that some of the first tipoffs, in fall 2015"

Seems like I cut off the top, that was concluded by the intelligence officials that prepared the CLASSIFIED report that the NYT is talking about.

Well there's not too many people that the NYT could be talking about in this article from January 2017. Look at those names.


One of those names is not like the other, the other three of those names have been freaking out about treason all week.


Back in January 2017, The NYT ADMITS that both:

1)The hacking started long before Trump was even a dark horse candidate
2)Towards the end of the campaign they stopped trying to help Trump and started trying to hurt President Clinton cuz she wasn't gonna lose

And now back to the #TrumpKnew article, the shift in tone is noticeable:

"The shifting narrative underscores the degree to which Mr. Trump regularly picks and chooses intelligence to suit his political purposes. That has never been more clear than this week."

Look in a mirror

The tone in yesterday's article is full of doom and gloom and hushed voices, whispering of "fears of illegitimacy"

lol oh brother!

I'm not even going to finish reading this trash article. #TrumpKnew and so did the New York Times, and so have all of us, since January of 2017. The only difference now is that the fake news media and the left have completely and totally lost their freaking minds about it. /end

I couldn't help myself, I kept reading.

This same meeting is the one that was set up by Comey/Clapper/CNN as a pretext to report about the dossier. The entire premise of this meeting was a setup but the NYT wants us to be mad that President Trump doesn't buy what he was told 😂

So glad I kept reading. This seems like John Brennan is trying to cover his tracks big time.

"It was totally cool that I was sending President Obama secret white envelopes with information from spies about the Russia investigation in the final months he was in office, it's cool"

That is SUCH A WEIRD THING to hamfist in the middle of the article and then immediately disregard.

"He went around normal protocol, it's fine though, he had a good reason, hey about that Trump Treason" wtf

The rest of the article is just more of the same rehashing and blah blah blah treason but that's such a random thing to drop in the middle of it. The New York Times is constantly dropping news and then ignoring it completely. Now that's really the /end

Addendum: Here's a thread the awesome @The_War_Economy did about Brennan and the white envelope stuff I was wondering about.

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