Rosie Memos Profile picture
Digging for truth but twitter likes to say it's not available. Expert level typo maker.

Jul 20, 2018, 14 tweets

S**ts about to get real #Mueller

Oh my.

Her favorite word “powerful”…

Why did the FBI and CIA pay so many witnesses?


Once a boss always a boss (far left)

Maybe I shouldn’t have opened so strongly, can’t say shit is positively about to go down but the coincidences in the case and now are uncanny, I’m 300 pages in, with work in the AM but promise to come back. Something is up, that’s all I know.

It’s amazing what paying a witness and withholding evidence can do.…

Isolate. Pay. Intimidate. Get them right where you need them🤡 also withheld from trial.…

Well if it makes anyone feel better our intel gives heavily redacted memos to other governments as well.


Not done, there’s way more. Sleep.

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