Buurenar Verda 🧙🏻‍♂️🇺🇲 Profile picture
Death Penalty for Pedophiles! #Deplorables #MAGA #WakeupAmerica #DigitalCamo The truth hides in plain sight. Question EVERYTHING! This is the way.

Jul 24, 2018, 11 tweets

Firstly, my own verification and screen grab posted below.

Huber reports directly to Sessions.

Evidence, a definition:

I think white hats have the server.
POTUS continually refers to it to plant a seed of thought in the mass subconscious so they are drawn to it's contents.

Specifically, it highlights subtly the fact that the DNC and MSM refuse to talk about the server, indicating the importance of it immeasurably.

I fully support the idea that POTUS doesn't speculate. Look at his Twitter history. He makes others speculate, and in doing so

Reveals much about their thought processes and motivations. Smart move for a business man. Almost like he uses a similar socratic method as Q. 🤔

Twitter is Trump's "Trump Card", a social media scalpel with which he cuts directly to the meat of the issue and bypassing MSM.

Truly, the fake news propaganda arm of the Democrats and the Deep State is failing. More and more awaken every day. The lies they spew catch up with them faster and faster.

Silence is Golden.
Q and POTUS know that silence lures the restless into thoughtless action.

The silence is bait. It makes the deep state sweat, or overconfident. Either way, they keep digging themselves deeper as they try to reinforce their positions and expose their defenses and tactics.

#QAnon goes on further to link a desperate huffpost article trying exasperatedly to paint all of the #Qarmy as desperate lunatics. PANIC is palpable in the words, but the evidence given is heavily spun with buzzwords. They again bring up pizzagate.

Q places [20] in the box. Marker? Target? Who or what is 20? Initial thought is 20 days since last post. A box... the last 20 days were a baited box or trap. When was huffpost article written? Today.
All for a LARP, right?

These people are stupid.

No greater [Current] threat to American than the #FakeNews media.

Study the rise and fall of Nazism, Antifa, Socialism. (And TECHNOCRACY I MIGHT ADD)
Who benefits?
Who is paying for it?
Soros. Rothschilds. Deepstate Cabal.

Presidential motorcade honks at a Honk for Q #MAGA sign.


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