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A proud native Detroiter #Liberal #GrammyofTwo #Democrats #MomofFour #WelshTerrier #twinmom #RESIST #Indivisible #DemsWork4USA @DemsWork4USA

Jul 25, 2018, 8 tweets

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) allowed some individuals who were brought to the US illegally as children to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and become eligible for a work permit in the U.S. #DemHistory #WhyIVoteDemocrat

The DACA policy was announced by President Barack Obama on June 15, 2012, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) began accepting applications for the program on August 15, 2012. #DemHistory #WhyIVoteDemocrat #DACA

Studies have shown that #DACA increased the mental health outcomes for DACA-eligible immigrants and their children.There are no known major adverse impacts from DACA on native-born workers' employment, and most economists say that DACA benefits the U.S. economy #DemHistory

To be eligible for the #DACA program, recipients cannot have felonies or serious misdemeanors on their records. There is no evidence that individuals covered by DACA are more likely to commit crimes than the general population of the United States. #DemHistory #WhyIVoteDemocrat

The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009 is a federal statute passed by the United States Congress and signed by U.S. President Barack Obama on May 22, 2009. #DemHistory #WhyIVoteDemocrat

The CARD Act of 2009 is comprehensive credit card reform legislation that aims "...to establish fair and transparent practices relating to the extension of credit under an open end consumer credit plan, and for other purposes."#DemHistory #WhyIVoteDemocrat

The CARD bill was passed with bipartisan support by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. (Imagine that!) #DemHistory #WhyIVoteDemocrat

Key provisions include:
~Giving consumers enough time to pay their bills.
~No retroactive rate increases.
~Easier to pay down debt.
~Eliminates "fee harvester cards."
~Eliminates excessive costs for borrowers with poor credit. #DemHistory #WhyIVoteDemocrat

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