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Jul 27, 2018, 33 tweets

I'm going to do a THREAD and comment on a few notable things based off of this @nytimes article from 2004 on Bill Browder.

Why are the Senate and ALL the media covering for @Billbrowder?

It's a #Browdergate DEEP DIVE.

Ready? RT this puppy.


1) 1⃣ is the date itself: March 4, 2004

This date is notable for a few reasons.

It's about a year & a half before Browder was barred in Russia.

It's also just a few months after the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

So -- who is Khodorkovsky and it does it matter?

2) Mikhail Khodorkovsky was at one point (2003 or so) the richest man in Russia, after he built up Yukos in Russia's 2nd largest oil producer..

In @Billbrowder's book Red Notice, he describes the day of Khodorkovsky's arrest.

3) Browder says he has "mixed feelings" about Khodorkovsky's arrest.

I'll note right now that Browder and Khodorkovsky are currently working together. Keep that in mind,

4) But in his book, Browder makes no mention at all of his PRIOR relationship with Khodorkovsky -- and it's not mixed.

Did I mention this was going to get deep? But it's all important to understand the #BrowderGate coverup.

Browder & Khodorkovsky were fighting in the 1990s.

5) Let's reference a few things from this 2002 article from Radio Free Europe.

Also, note that I'm linking to mainstream sources like @nytimes and @RadioFreeEurop that can't be dismissed as being "Russian propaganda."


6) This is from 2002 -- WAY before Browder's trouble with the law in Russia.

And it references the AVISMA lawsuit from the 1990s. In the United States.

See those names, sued along with Browder?

7) Let's introduce a couple of those names.

We'll start with Jonathan Hay - he's one of the Harvard Boys.

I'm going to reference this article, which is a Must Read if you want to under how the USA screwed the Russia economy in the Clinton-era 1990s.


8) U.S. officials-including Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers-along with people like Jonathan Hay literally set up a system to benefit the elites and welcome corruption.

This was 1990s, when @Billbrowder made huge money in Russia, remember.

9) Remember, Browder, his company Hermitage, "Harvard boy" Jonathan Hay and Ken Dart were co-defendants in the AVISMA suit?

Who is Ken Dart?

Billionaire heir to the cup & container fortune.

Like @Billbrowder renounced his US citizenship to dodge taxes. So did Dart's brother.

10) Here's the reference to that article on Ken Dart, Browder's co-defendant in the AVISMA lawsuit.


11) Important to note....

Nothing I'm showing you is all that hard to find, especially for a member of the media, a Senator or their staff.

The AVISMA lawsuit was in the US.

Yet -- @Billbrowder makes NO reference to it in his book Red Notice. Or Jon Hay. Or Ken Dart.

12) And its notable because NOBODY in the media and NOT ONE Senator has brought up the AVISMA suit…especially interesting since the suit pitted current allies Browder and Khodorkovsky AGAINST each other.

And revealed a lot about the offshore banking and tax schemes elites use.

13) In fact, watch how @Billbrowder praised Khodorkovsky in 2013 -- the year after Browder got the Magnitsky Act passed.

@Billbrowder talks about Khodorkovsky like he's a hero -- compares him to Nelson Mandela. No fooling. Watch, it's short.

14) But as this 1999 @nytimes article makes clear, Khodorkovsky was no saint.


15) In fact, that NYT article points out that in 1999 one of the harshest critics of Khodorkovsky was none other than Ken Dart, Browder's investment partner and fellow US citizenship renouncer.

Look what Dart accused Khodorkovsky of...

16) I'm going to pause here and ask you to take the time to read the handful of articles I've linked to so far…

You'll start to get a sense of the story @Billbrowder is hiding from you.

It's a story of elitist billionaire "vulture capitalists" who screwed Russia in the 1990s…

17) This is the truth that's been hidden from you.

This is the narrative you aren't hearing that explains WHY the demonization of the Russia is happening and being led by people like Khodorkovsky and Browder.

Read the few articles and you'll know more than 99% of Americans.

18) Let's get a little deeper on Jonathan Hay, who was a codefendant along with @Billbrowder in 1990s AVISMA lawsuit.

Not directly related to Browder, Hay was convicted in 2004 -- shortly after that very 1st article about Browder in this theead was published, I'll note.

19) Here's the article referenced in #18.

Convicted along with Hay were Andrei Shleifer and Harvard University.

This is quite an elite little circle.


20) For example, Andrei Shleifer's roomie at Harvard as a STUDENT in the 80s was Brad DeLong.

This is from DeLong's own blog.


21) So, who is Brad DeLong?

DeLong is an economics professor at Cal Berkeley. (Go Bears!)

Also : DeLong served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury in the Clinton Administration under Lawrence Summers.

And Larry Summers is at the heart of this.

22) But, of course, it goes much deeper than Summers.

So let's consider two parallel movements in American politics that came together after the USSR's fall.

Neoliberalism: which brought "capitalism" to Democrats.

Neoconservativsm: which brought interventionism to the GOP.

23) Discussing Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism also bring another topic: the role of Israel in all of this.

This is "controversial" because it's sure to bring up charges of anti-Semitism.

But since I'm not an anti-Semite and the facts are clear, that's mere ad hominem.

24) Indeed, the advocates of Neoconervatism take pride in the Jewish roots of the Neocons.

Take Murray Friedman, the author of The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy.


25) Friedman's book gives the history of the Neocons, starting with Irving Kristol (father of leading anti-Trump Republican @BillKristol ) and Commentary Magazine to its influence of Neocons on administration of George W. Bush.

26) And this ties in another clear connection to the Russian situation.

It’s complex, because as Marshall Goldman points out in his essay From Rags to Riches: Jewish Oligarchs in Russia, Jews have obviosyly faced real hardship and anti-Semitism in Russia.

But as Goldman also points out, Russians of Jewish parentage now hold high positions in Russian business, goverment and media...

Go look up yourself about the 1990s era Russian Oligarchs

27) Want to see all of this comes together? Look no further than the Strategic Advisory Board of the Genie Energy, the company that hold the exclusive drilling rights to the oil under the Golan Heights.

Cheney, Summers, Murdoch, Rothschild, Woolsey…


28) On that one board, you have NeoCon Cheney, Neolib Summers, media mogul Murdoch, Zionist banker Rothschild, former CIA director Woolsey…plus former US Senators -- Bill Richardson and Marry Landrieu.

Democrats, Republicans, Deep State, UK connections.

It's all there.

29) "Staccato signals of constant information
A loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires…" - Paul Simon

30) @Billbrowder himself makes his view clear in this 2015 article, framing Putin as an "enemy of the Jews" which you'll see actually means pushing a straight-up NeoCon foreign policy.


31) This is from that last article; Browder clearly shilling for the NeoCons

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