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Jul 31, 2018, 61 tweets

The President is live!!!!

Alternate link!

A third link!

Giving a speech now! @RepDeSantis

@RepDeSantis stands with Israel!

Against Socialism! Fight Illegal Immigration! He's our guy

This guys sign is on all streams I found lol

President Trump shakes his hand. Done deal! Great deal for Florida and America

lol we got a protestor I think.

"that's too bad, one person and tomorrow the headlines will be MASSIVE PROTESTS"

"The new star of the Democrat party. Maxine Waters" 😂

"The only time I see Bill Nelson is 5 months before an election" 😂😂😂

Whoever Bill Nelson is he just got lit up hard.

"Some guy" voted against Obamacare at 2 oclock in the morning

which guy was that lol, turned his thumb down I think

President Trump calling out his kids there today!!

Please have him call out Tiff!!

"We have someone nobody ever heard of, Ivanka" crowd goes WILD lol

Trump wants to switch his slogan from Make America Great Again to Keep America Great right now "But we'll wait a year" he is doing great selling hats, he was talking about the hats when he said it. White hats, red hats, everywhere!

lol "Our first lady is home watching. She's home watching. And everybody loves Melania!"

Fact check, TRUE!


"If you gotta be outside, be outside in the great state of Florida, am I right?" talking about the massive crowd outside watching a big screen.

Politifact tomorrow: "The President lied at his rally yesterday, Florida is actually awful outside"

"The African American unemployment rate has reached the lowest level in HISTORY! History! You guys are great thank you. Blacks for Trump! They say, Blacks for Trump!" crowd goes wild.

"You knew a long time ago didn't you!"

"Hispanic unemployment rate the lowest level in history. The Asian unemployment rate has reached the lowest level in history. Sorry about this women! The unemployment rate has reached only the lowest level in 65 years! It'll be history soon! Give us about 2 more weeks #TrumpRally

"And most importantly, America is being respected again. Respected again!"

About NATO "Ya gotta pay your bills folks, ya gotta pay up" 😂😂😂😂

"We're protecting your money" now, says the President, and he freaking means it!

"China and others, remember this, have targeted our farmers"

and you know what they said

"We can take it, these are incredible people" freaking love it.

Soybeans are apparently crucial to the entire world. Maybe need to do a thread on this. Global Soybean conspiracy. Trump is talking about the soybeans now. What is the Russian connection? More later after the rally.

"After years of rebuilding foreign countries, it's time to start rebuilding our own country" !!!!

We're not going to get ripped off.

"I'm not like other politicians, you've seen what happens, I've kept my promises"

Crowd goes NUTS


Or maybe just me, hard to tell.

"He's kept more promises than he's made, ever heard of that one?" Trump about himself

Our President is a modest and a humble man 😂

"The days of plundering American jobs and American wealth, those days are over. They're over. America First. America First"

I love when I catch a Stephen Miller line mixed in with a Trump riff lol.

American steel mills are back open for business! "And nobody believed it could happen this quickly!"

Chants of USA break out!!!

A new steel mill announced to be built in Florida!!!

"Democrats want to raise your taxes, they want to destroy your jobs, they want to crush our industries with crippling regulations, and you know the stock market is up almost 40% since that great November day, your 401ks are doing very well."


"Of course if the fake news did a poll they're called suppression polls. You know the polls are fake like everything else" lol oh yeah we know! @NateSilver538 does too

"They just came out with a poll, did you hear, the most popular person in history of the Republican party, is Trump! Can you believe this?"

LOL I love it when the President talks out of both sides of his mouth. It drives the press nuts but I get what he means

"They'd say 'He's not acting Presidential' and I'd say, well it's a lot easier to act Presidential, then to do what I do. Anybody can act Presidential."

And then the freaking President of the USA did a robot impression of someone acting Presidential, walking back and forth 😂😂

MONOTONE VOICE: "Ladies and gentlemen, of the state of Florida. Thank you very much for being here. You are tremendous people. And I will leave now, because I am boring you to death, thank you"

Then he half hobble walked away for a second then threw his hands up 😂😂😂😂

"We want maximum border security and respect for our heroes ICE, Border Patrol, and Law Enforcement" President Trump! #TrumpRally

"We believe that only American citizens should vote in American elections, which is why the time has come for voter ID, like everything else. Voter ID!" #TrumpRally

"Remember the attack on Merry Christmas? They're not attacking it anymore. Everyone's happy to say Merry Christmas."

Freaking love Christmas and love this President this is the best rally ever!!! CHRISTMAS IN JULY!

"If you want safety, if you want borders, if you want to have a country, then you need to go out and vote Republican" President Trump #TrumpRally

Your move @TheDemocrats

"I am for America First and the American worker, we want to be a puppet for no one any longer. We're not going to be a puppet any longer"



"I was probably in Washington in my entire life, 17 times, true, 17 times, I don't think I ever stayed overnight. You know what I'm getting at, right?" 😂😂

"So I've been there 17 times....and then I'm riding down in this beautiful car, picked up at the airport by secret service, holding the hand of our great first lady, and I look at her and I say 'Honey, guess what, I'm President of the United States" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

President Trump is talking about the individual mandate "you pay all this money with the privilege of not having to pay for insurance"

One of my friends cares nothing at all about Trump and isn't in his base but he loves him for this. He doesn't have to pay for no insurance

About the resistance: "We'll get the Supreme Court Judge, and that's the big one. That's the big one" YEP!

"I've also directed the Pentagon to begin the process of creating the sixth branch of our military, The Space Force. Building The Space Force"

"There's been no nuclear testing, there's been no missiles or rockets flying beautifully over Japan. I think our relationship is very good with Chairman Kim. And we'll all see how it all works out, but there's nothing like talking and we'll see how it is"

Seen it, love it!!

"I hope it works out well with Iran, they're having a lot of difficulty right now, I hope it works out well, and I have a feeling they'll be talking to us pretty soon. And maybe not, and that's ok too." President Trump tonight at his rally in Florida.

CC: @HeshmatAlavi

"In December I recognized Israel's true capital, Jerusalem." says President Hitler, his Nazi crowd erupts in cheers.

"And in about five months we opened already the American embassy in Jerusalem"

"And people had that scheduled from anywhere between 5 and 10 years"

Freaking aye they did. That's what EVERYONE said. And now, that's the distant past. Our President is the fastest President!

"We own so much, we don't even know what the hell we own" President Trump

literally the most honest President EVER. Talking about finding a building we already own to move the embassy too.

Trump says why Mattis likes him, our President drills down and negotiates major military contracts to get us the most out of our money!

"I want that $700 billion properly spent, if we can buy twice the number of aircraft, or have a lot of money left over, that's what we want"

"Instead of apologizing for America, we are standing up for America, we're standing up for the heros that protect America, and yes we are proudly standing up for our great national anthem"

checkmate @NFL

President Trump ends with a strong speech about how much we need Republicans and we need @RepDeSantis

"I don't need to be here, but I happen to love this state"

"Get your friends, get your colleagues, get your neighbors, and get out and vote in November!"

"Don't take any chances!"

"Some people are getting a little tired of winning"

"Please it's too much winning, we can't stand it"

please don't' call me out at your rallies @realDonaldTrump I love you but my doctor said I'd die if I won anymore. No bully

"I don't care, we're going to keep on winning"

RIP Shem

"We are one people, we are one family, and we are one glorious nation under God. And together we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again, we will make America safe again, and we will make America great again!"

*Can't always get what you want plays* end

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